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why the rambling???

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I was wondering if some guys or anyone can give me their take on this.


One of my dearest friends was talking to a mutual friend of ours and she was telling him that she was thinking about setting me up with someone. The conversation was going normal until she mentioned this. Our friend started rambling on and got flustered when the subject of fixing me up with another guy came up. He made a comment that was so off the wall and out of character for him. My friend picked up on it but did not ask him why he was "acting" this way. She asked me if there was anything goin on between me and this guy. I told her no, coz there is nothing. The thought has crossed my mind but I value his friendship too much. Now when I am around him I do wonder if he likes me more than a friend. Please any advice from guys would help. Why did he get flustered or nervous and rambling on?



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I suppose you're asking whether his rambling etc. means he might like you. Sure it does. But you won't know for certain unless you flirt with him, heat things up, and see if he makes a move. That is, if you want him too.


There's no way to go into this with zero risk.


-- uriel

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