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Phoned a girl and it said "phone you have called is currently unavailable"?


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Phoned this girl and it rings for near 30 seconds or so with dialing tone then says "phone you have called is currently unavailable", yet I have got through to this number before, does it mean her phone is turned off or currently using phone?


We've phoned before and she said it was nice talking to me, continued to flirt through text after..


Also, if their phone is off/currently on the phone, will they receive my missed call? I said I'd phone the day before but she was tired from a work shift, I don't want her thinking I am ignorant so rather her see that I tried to call.



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Green Light
Phoned this girl and it rings for near 30 seconds or so with dialing tone then says "phone you have called is currently unavailable", yet I have got through to this number before, does it mean her phone is turned off or currently using phone?


We've phoned before and she said it was nice talking to me, continued to flirt through text after..


Also, if their phone is off/currently on the phone, will they receive my missed call? I said I'd phone the day before but she was tired from a work shift, I don't want her thinking I am ignorant so rather her see that I tried to call.





Run away from this one! Non-functioning phone means that she probably never paid her bill and is in terrible debt and she has a bad credit score! You don't want to deal with all of that!

Actually I'm just kidding with you, bro. Just try again later, leave a message, send a text, write a letter, get in the car and go over there, write something on her FB page, yell real loud, send smoke signals, turn into a superhero and fly over there...

I'm real bored today. Sorry.

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Run away from this one! Non-functioning phone means that she probably never paid her bill and is in terrible debt and she has a bad credit score! You don't want to deal with all of that!

Actually I'm just kidding with you, bro. Just try again later, leave a message, send a text, write a letter, get in the car and go over there, write something on her FB page, yell real loud, send smoke signals, turn into a superhero and fly over there...

I'm real bored today. Sorry.


Would she get "missed call" or that I attempted to call? I said I'd phone yesterday but she had a late shift that finished early that morning so thought it wasn't the best time. I don't want to seem needy either..

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Phoned this girl and it rings for near 30 seconds or so with dialing tone then says "phone you have called is currently unavailable", yet I have got through to this number before, does it mean her phone is turned off or currently using phone?


We've phoned before and she said it was nice talking to me, continued to flirt through text after..


Also, if their phone is off/currently on the phone, will they receive my missed call? I said I'd phone the day before but she was tired from a work shift, I don't want her thinking I am ignorant so rather her see that I tried to call.




PLEASE.... for the love of god do not call incessantly and become a stalker.

You called, she didn't answer... just leave it. If she wants to talk, she'll talk.


Isn't this commons sense?



ANOTHER guy of LS.org who can't take a hint.... "Oh, she never talks to me, we never see each other, she has no interest in me... what should I do? Call and text and follow her around?!????"



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PLEASE.... for the love of god do not call incessantly and become a stalker.

You called, she didn't answer... just leave it. If she wants to talk, she'll talk.


Isn't this commons sense?



ANOTHER guy of LS.org who can't take a hint.... "Oh, she never talks to me, we never see each other, she has no interest in me... what should I do? Call and text and follow her around?!????"




Never said I'd do that, said above I don't want to be needy. She ended up liking my facebook status about my exam result an hour ago so must have been a network problem.


It's just whether she got a "missed call" message. If she didn't it would be fine to have called again tonight or tomorrow.. but if she did get the missed call message, I'd wait a few days to call again or let her call me.


This happened a couple of weeks ago when I phoned her during the middle of something. She texted me saying she'd phone me later and texted me saying if i was ready for her to phone, etc, she did.

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"phone you have called is currently unavailable"


Actually this does normally mean that the bill wasn't paid, which means she will not know that you have tried calling. I have a friend that is notorious for not paying her phone bill on time. At least every other month I'll get the same message and than she will call and tell me that "I forgot to pay the bill again", but than she pays and it works for another month or so. It's frustrating when you are trying to reach someone, but in my case she is such a good friend that her phone issue is just a minor nuisance.


Good luck!

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PLEASE.... for the love of god do not call incessantly and become a stalker.

You called, she didn't answer... just leave it. If she wants to talk, she'll talk.


Isn't this commons sense?



ANOTHER guy of LS.org who can't take a hint.... "Oh, she never talks to me, we never see each other, she has no interest in me... what should I do? Call and text and follow her around?!????"




Calm down estate it'll be ok, take a breather. :laugh:

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"phone you have called is currently unavailable"


Actually this does normally mean that the bill wasn't paid, which means she will not know that you have tried calling. I have a friend that is notorious for not paying her phone bill on time. At least every other month I'll get the same message and than she will call and tell me that "I forgot to pay the bill again", but than she pays and it works for another month or so. It's frustrating when you are trying to reach someone, but in my case she is such a good friend that her phone issue is just a minor nuisance.


Good luck!



they shouldnt send stacks of bills together with rubber bands..especially to people who are ocd...its a pet hate of mine...deb

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Calm down estate it'll be ok, take a breather. :laugh:


I know it's just like the same thread 10 times over and over every day.


"Guy gets paid the slightest attention from 1 girl, falls in love, freaks her out... he posts here to how to "save" a relationship that never existed.

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they shouldnt send stacks of bills together with rubber bands..especially to people who are ocd...its a pet hate of mine...deb


You know you're having a really bad day when your phone bill arrives in a box instead of an envelope. :rofl:

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There are lots of explanations for this, but virtually none of them are good.


She may not have paid her phone bill.

She may have disconnected her phone, perhaps because she doesn't have the money or because she is avoiding someone.

She may have gone to another country where regional calls are blocked.


None of those reasons bodes well for you. Unless you are absolutely infatuated with this person, I'd stop now and get back to looking. Lots of fish in the sea.

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