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What is the best way to ask for a woman's # on Facebook?

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I ask this because I do not see this girl every day. I have only met her twice while hanging with a mutual friend and felt like we totally hit it off. Funny enough, we are going to a concert together in 2-3 months, which obviously is too long to wait to see her.


Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to ask for someone's # on facebook? I want to keep it as casual sounding as possible, without sounding desperate or awkward. However, I do get the feeling that this is unavoidable.

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Well, you could try to strike up a conversation with her on FaceBook chat, then say something along the lines of "Hey, I actually have to run, but if you give me your phone number we could continue this conversation later."

If you made the conversation smooth enough (i.e., not: Hows it going? I gotta run but...), it would likely come off as confident and pretty cool.

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