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Hi everyone,


Well, what can I say? I got a lot of really good feedback. Some a little presumptious (like that "I don't know what it is to really feel love" - slow down on the defense of your experience of loveDeejette. I do know love, and it may be love that I am afraid of with this wonderful woman)


I have printed out everyone's responses and will sit and re-read them. I am taking this seriously, and just because I'm an introspective man, slightly on the obsessive side, admiting my uncertainties about acting from fear and ego versus my heart and open love, doesn't make me a villian.


If MORE men would be thinking about this stuff and struggling with it, they might not treat women so poorly. I'm trying to change guys - but I don't want to change for the wrong reasons and confuse sacrafice with subjugation.


Thanks for the support . This online feedback is more useful than feedback from those who know me and can't be objective.


in progress...



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You seem like a sweetheart, not a villain. Everyone's


replies may have sounded harsh; I think they just wanted to make sure they got the point across to you.


Sometimes a slap in the face rather than a gentle shove does the trick.


I think after you sort things out with yourself, you'll be just fine.


And hopefully you won't be alone this holiday season, but instead will share your love and feelings with someone special.


:) Have a beeeaaaaaaaauuuuuuutiiiiiiiifuuuuuuuuuuuul day!

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