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Nah, I don't really have the time to analyze psychology with you on here - as I'm too busy doing it IRL for my livelihood, lol. But if you want to post another thread about it, and I get some free time, I would love to read what everyone has to say about it - not sure if I'll have time to chime in, but maybe. :) It's an age old back and forth in my professional field, I've had about a billion educated convos on it over the past 15 years or so - not sure you can say anything I haven't already heard before - but if you surprise me, I'll make time to comment. :) And it might be beneficial for those who aren't professional psychologists as a learning tool. :)

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If you're a psychologist, I'm the flying spaghetti monster.


No psychologist denies the natural programming of the human animal.


That's the whole point of Psychology.

To Understand the workings of the Mind, and the origins of the brain.....


Sorry darling, but I call fake on that one.


I'm not a 'professional Psychologist' but it seems I appear to actually KNOW more than you do.


Because what you 'believe' and what I 'know' are two entirely polar opposites.


Fine, thanks, I'll leave it there.

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If you're a psychologist, I'm the flying spaghetti monster.


No psychologist denies the natural programming of the human animal.


That's the whole point of Psychology.

To Understand the workings of the Mind, and the origins of the brain.....


Sorry darling, but I call fake on that one.


I'm not a 'professional Psychologist' but it seems I appear to actually KNOW more than you do.


Because what you 'believe' and what I 'know' are two entirely polar opposites.


Fine, thanks, I'll leave it there.


I love that. Can I make that my new tag line? I'll quote you, of course.

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I love that. Can I make that my new tag line? I'll quote you, of course.


She really does have the best quotes doesn't she?:laugh: They are very signature line worthy.

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She really does have the best quotes doesn't she?:laugh: They are very signature line worthy.


OMG! The one you're using is priceless too!

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Eh, we disagree on nature vs nurture - it's cool. :) I believe in nature and know what I was "conditioned" for and what I wasn't. Monogamy is my nature - not something I was taught or learned - and I have no doubt that had I been born elsewhere, it would be the same. It's innate - not learned. I'm not as pliable as you may be to conditioning maybe? But that's a whole other topic, I'm sure! :)


Wait.... what - ?!


You have been a betrayed Spouse - and you've also had an affair, as a OW - and you say Monogamy is in your nature - but you've had sex with men who clearly didn't represent that ideal - and you're ok with that?


You speak of 'Nature vs Nurture', and being pliable to 'Conditioning'....?


I'm sorry - you appear to have absolutely no grasp whatsoever as to what I'm talking about.


Which, if you're studying Psychology, is terrifying.

You really should have a profound and clear understanding of the fundamental difference between 'Conditioning' and 'programming'.

It should be one of the foundational aspects of understanding the Psychology of people.

And it's patently obvious that you don't...


You're absolutely right. Discussing the matter would be completely pointless. Any discussion on the topic with you would clearly put me at a distinct advantage.


I apologise for having even suggested it.....



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