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Should I chase her back after I've been dumped?

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During the breakup talk, She told me, you're nice, and with your looks and height it wont be difficult to find another better girl. She also mentioned that she isn't able to reciprocate the feelings that I've for her and she dun wan to give us anymore chance/dun wan to commit anymore. I asked her if she really did love me but her answer was, I dunno if I like u as a friend or a lover, sometimes the feeling is on and off. I told her I really loved her and in response, she said if I really think she's the one, try chasing her back in 6 months. She knows I've done alot for her and normally girls will be touched, but she isn't. I know she have got lots of close girl friends who did better surprises, made her gifts from time to time and treat her to concerts/movies/etc, and wat I've done is probably pale in comparison. She hangs out alot with her girl friends, I will need to reserve timeslots on her calendar for our dates early beforehand. Even during our phone chats, she'll be having multiple conversations with others(parents/friends). Sometimes I don't feel myself being that important to her. We don't really have much common interest, she love playing musical instruments and singing, and I suck at them. I enjoy listening to music too but just not musically inclined, I do show appreciation when she sings and try to sing along though it's awful. My interest is in sports but she isn't sports inclined. We've our own different cliques and she's my senior in different faculty. Probably because of that I've gotten insecure, especially when she hangs out with her guys friends individually, but she assures me that there's nothing more than friends with them. My insecurities turned worst after one particular incident where I was preparing a surprise for her and ended up being surprised, seeing her and the guy friend coming out of hall building at night. She claim that it's just having supper with the hall guy friend whom has no one to accompany him. Initially at the start of the relationship, she want me to text her everyday and so I did without fail, but nearing the end of the relationship, she told me she was feeling very tied down, she dun feel like there's a need to constantly update me about wat she does. After breakup, she was pretty cold and giving one word replies to the messages I sent. Although on my birthday, she did message me happy birthday at 12am. I've been in no contact after since then (she have not message me since then). I think I've gotten out of the initial depression stage after being dumped, although there's still the emotional shockwaves when seeing her pictures on newsfeed. I know alot of girls with better qualities than her, but she's kind of special. There's this special feel of happiness pouring out of me, that stupid involuntary smile whenever I see her/think of her, I dun feel that around other girls. But now thinking of her kind of pains me(to a lesser extend as time passes), cause she isn't the same girl that was having a relationship with me anymore. She think she's not the one for me, and now having a clearer mind I can see why we're not that compatible, having different interests/recreation/cliques/social life, but I still do love her alot and I know she always tries to prevent my feelings from being hurt, make time for me despite her busy social life. I'm not sure if I able to be just the casual/fun me infront of her after the breakup, and isn't sure if it's a good choice to chase after her again, although I'm sure I do have feelings for her still. Should I chase her back? Advises needed ...

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Please repost:

Break into manageable readable paragraphs, because trying to read a block of text like this is impossible...


Also - spell properly. Use full words: 'Don't' - not 'dun'....

You don't need to use text language here.... Not everyone has English as a first language, and if it's difficult for ME to read, imagine others...


Thirdly: (answering your thread title)



Don't chase.

it's over.


Read the No Contact Guide in my signature: Everything you need to know about post-break-up survival, is there.


Good luck, buddy. :)

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Simon Phoenix

I have no idea what compels people to write things in one huge paragraph. No way I'm reading that wall of text.

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