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Some girls made a comment about height

Sun Devil

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I just don't get why my posts and the posts of other short successful men go unnoticed.


I think it is because those that are unsuccessful refuse to take the blinders off.


I had one woman pretty much break down the fourth wall and tell me "sorry but I'm a big girl (5'9), I tend to go for the tall dudes"


I laughed it off and kept talking to her anyway. A few weeks later we kind of cooled down and she was blowing up my phone asking me why I hadn't been talking to her and that she missed me--she wrote me a poem.


I could have gone in for the kill and hooked up with her but I thought if she was already clingy before we even did anything, she'd turn into a stalker after the fact, and I didn't want to play with her emotions.


The fact remains, even a woman who admitted she dated taller men and rejected me intially because of that fact, still ended up wanting the D.

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I just don't get why my posts and the posts of other short successful men go unnoticed.


I think it is because those that are unsuccessful refuse to take the blinders off.

The exception does not prove the rule.

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Its one thing to not be attracted to someone but wish death on them because you dont find them attractive?


Most people are jerkoffs not much you can do most of those girls are young and ingorant and probably gonna be unwed mothers and/or have a few std's



I could give a **** who likes me or doesnt im between 5'7 and 5'8 and never had problems with women and im not an adonis nor Brad Pitt facially but i just simply dont fear the outcome when i approach. You're giving women too much credit and putting them on a pedestal because youve probably never been with one so you feel any women who doesnt want you somehow makes you bad or undesirable.


When you finally get into a relationship and you see a women without makeup or on the toilet or constantly nagging you will think to yourself why you put these people on such a pedestal and you will begin not to care what they think of you and instead look at women as indivduals and have the mindset of which one of these women is actually good enough for me and not a headcase instead of lookign at them as these unattainable perfect beings.

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Bengal Tiger
I just don't get why my posts and the posts of other short successful men go unnoticed.


I think it is because those that are unsuccessful refuse to take the blinders off.


I had one woman pretty much break down the fourth wall and tell me "sorry but I'm a big girl (5'9), I tend to go for the tall dudes"


I laughed it off and kept talking to her anyway. A few weeks later we kind of cooled down and she was blowing up my phone asking me why I hadn't been talking to her and that she missed me--she wrote me a poem.


I could have gone in for the kill and hooked up with her but I thought if she was already clingy before we even did anything, she'd turn into a stalker after the fact, and I didn't want to play with her emotions.


The fact remains, even a woman who admitted she dated taller men and rejected me intially because of that fact, still ended up wanting the D.


I like when you use terms like "fourth wall" and "gone in for the kill".


Also, this is yet another reminder to guys: Don't pay so much attention to what women say. Observe what they do. It'll amaze you.



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The exception does not prove the rule.


Fair enough but let's just look at this as logically as possible.


Average height is 5'9-5'10


Women apparently like taller guys, so let's say 5'10 and above.


How many men, in your day to day life are above 5'10? Because for me, it's rare.


Men that are 6 and over are outliers, just like their short counterparts (and I mean considerably short)


In my day to day life, I see a bunch of men who hover around my height, yes, most of them are taller than me, but only by two inches or so. They are not towering over me.


These are the men women usually have to pick from. The average.


If they waited for 1.) Men 6 and over 2.) Who were single 3.) Who were attracted to them mutually -- there would be a lot more dateless women around.


If the choice is down to me, and a guy who has me by 2 inches, and all he has over me are those 2 inches, he loses every single time. My charm, my style, etc, is worth more than that guy's height. And on the rare occasions that it is this nordic god who towers over me and has muscles on top of his muscles, I too, have bested him when it came to women. I'm successful, and my competition is not just fellow short, skinny, hispanic men. It's taller men, white men, muscular men, etc.


I've done it, because I believed I could do it.


Also, if a woman is going to rule me out just because I am 5'7, totally ignoring all my other positive qualities, she's a shallow bitch, and has only done me a favor in the long run.


Good women don't rule men out on height and height alone. Other factors play a part, and they are factors you can change.

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Also, if a woman is going to rule me out just because I am 5'7, totally ignoring all my other positive qualities, she's a shallow bitch, and has only done me a favor in the long run.


I was with you until this paragraph.:laugh: Now you just sound like the typical hypocrite who is trying too hard to defend his ego.

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I was with you until this paragraph.:laugh: Now you just sound like the typical hypocrite who is trying too hard to defend his ego.


It's my personal belief. If I have all the other qualities a woman looks for in a man but she rules me out because of the height of my body, that's shallow in my opinion.


Nobody is perfect in life and exceptions have to be made. Yes I want a girl with a ridiculous ass but if she is flat and has everything else I look for, I will date her.

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Lonely Ronin

Also, if a woman is going to rule me out just because I am 5'7, totally ignoring all my other positive qualities, she's a shallow bitch, and has only done me a favor in the long run.


Good women don't rule men out on height and height alone. Other factors play a part, and they are factors you can change.


I agree with pretty much all of your post except this last bit. Unless you can say you have never and will never reject a woman based on a physical trait.

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I agree with pretty much all of your post except this last bit. Unless you can say you have never and will never reject a woman based on a physical trait.


Not if she possesses other qualities that I look for.


Like I've said many times. My preference is short, thick, brunettes.


My dating history, however, is anything but a constant trend.


I'll date a flat blonde if I really liked her.

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Not if she possesses other qualities that I look for.


Like I've said many times. My preference is short, thick, brunettes.


My dating history, however, is anything but a constant trend.


I'll date a flat blonde if I really liked her.


As far as I know, you never really dated anyone seriously. Hard to give you props here for being willing to have sex with a flat blonde when a thick brunette is not available. Would you really commit to a monogamous relationship with a girl with flat ass or an ugly face? No you won't unless you think it can get bigger/better. No matter what you say here, we both know it's not something you can handle forever. Let's not fool anybody here.

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Fair enough but let's just look at this as logically as possible.


Average height is 5'9-5'10


Women apparently like taller guys, so let's say 5'10 and above.


How many men, in your day to day life are above 5'10? Because for me, it's rare.

That's an odd question.


I'm not sure what you mean by day-to-day life but whenever I go out doing errands or go to school, the vast majority of men are taller than me. I have no idea how many are 5'10. I'm around 5.57 and I can't tell a 5'9 guy from a 6 foot guy just by looking at him.




These are the men women usually have to pick from. The average.


If they waited for 1.) Men 6 and over 2.) Who were single 3.) Who were attracted to them mutually -- there would be a lot more dateless women around.

The average man is about 3-5 inches taller than I am.

If the choice is down to me, and a guy who has me by 2 inches, and all he has over me are those 2 inches, he loses every single time. My charm, my style, etc, is worth more than that guy's height.

Well good for you.

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Lonely Ronin
That's an odd question.


I'm not sure what you mean by day-to-day life but whenever I go out doing errands or go to school, the vast majority of men are taller than me. I have no idea how many are 5'10. I'm around 5.57 and I can't tell a 5'9 guy from a 6 foot guy just by looking at him.


That's because your hyper sensitive about it. I'm 6' even, and every woman I have ever dated has always thought I was 6' 2" or 6' 3". All they know is I'm bigger than them, and I've been told my demeanor makes me seem even bigger. In short most women want guys as tall, or taller than them, how much taller, depends on the woman.

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As far as I know, you never really dated anyone seriously. Hard to give you props here for being willing to have sex with a flat blonde when a thick brunette is not available. Would you really commit to a monogamous relationship with a girl with flat ass or an ugly face? No you won't unless you think it can get bigger/better. No matter what you say here, we both know it's not something you can handle forever. Let's not fool anybody here.


Well let's not get extreme here. I'm not saying I have absolutely no physical standards at all. I'm not saying if the girl had a troll face and was 100 lbs overweight that I would look past that and commit to her long term.


I'm speaking of one certain perceived shortcoming.


If she had everything personality wise I could ask for, and a cute face. But she had no ass, like the kind of asses I love. I would commit to her, yes, because her positives outweigh that one singular "negative".


If I had everything a girl looked for in a man personality wise, and everything she looked for physically except the height thing, and the height thing outweighed everything else, she's shallow.


Shallow people exist. However you choose to identify them, they are real people. My definition has always been when one physical shortcoming outweighs all the good.


My preferences are just that, preferences. I would prefer to date a short, curvy brunette, but if I don't find one, or if there is a competition between her and a girl who is not curvy and brunette, but has more positive qualities than her, I will go with her over the curvy brunette, and have done so in the past.


So I could see losing to a guy who is like me in every way except he has me in height. But if I have more going for me, more qualities that the woman looked for, but she chose the guy solely because he was taller, that's shallow to me.


Shallow people are not mythical creatures. They exist. How you choose to label them is completely subjective. That's my personal definition.

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This is a much better way of wording it.


Yes but in my original post I was more so speaking of how I handle it in my head.


If a girl were to ever reject me for height alone (has not happened yet)


I wouldn't say to myself "by my personal definition, she is what I would consider to be a shallow person". I would say "what a shallow bitch, oh well".


And I wouldn't dwell over it. Which is what a lot of unsuccessful men do.


They face one rejection and put the blame on themselves. I don't put the blame on me, I put it on them.


Anyone woman who rejects me, it's their loss. Sometimes I even laugh at the thought of a woman turning me down. I don't dwell and say all women are terrible or say no woman will ever love me because I'm short, etc. I laugh it off and believe she's missing out and that's the end of it.


I don't see how you can handle rejection any other way and maintain sanity/be successful.

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Well let's not get extreme here. I'm not saying I have absolutely no physical standards at all. I'm not saying if the girl had a troll face and was 100 lbs overweight that I would look past that and commit to her long term.


I'm speaking of one certain perceived shortcoming.


If she had everything personality wise I could ask for, and a cute face. But she had no ass, like the kind of asses I love. I would commit to her, yes, because her positives outweigh that one singular "negative".


If I had everything a girl looked for in a man personality wise, and everything she looked for physically except the height thing, and the height thing outweighed everything else, she's shallow.


Shallow people exist. However you choose to identify them, they are real people. My definition has always been when one physical shortcoming outweighs all the good.


My preferences are just that, preferences. I would prefer to date a short, curvy brunette, but if I don't find one, or if there is a competition between her and a girl who is not curvy and brunette, but has more positive qualities than her, I will go with her over the curvy brunette, and have done so in the past.


So I could see losing to a guy who is like me in every way except he has me in height. But if I have more going for me, more qualities that the woman looked for, but she chose the guy solely because he was taller, that's shallow to me.


Shallow people are not mythical creatures. They exist. How you choose to label them is completely subjective. That's my personal definition.


In the real world, people are very rarely EVERYTHING you ask for except just one thing. So lets not get lost in the fantasy world here. And from your post it sounds like having a cute face is a necessity for you...What's wrong with a woman replacing the cute face requirement with height requirement?

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Bengal Tiger
I just don't get why my posts and the posts of other short successful men go unnoticed.


I think it is because those that are unsuccessful refuse to take the blinders off.




This one is quite simple. Many people genuinely want to believe that the blame for their problems is on someone else. It must be outside their locus of control. People out there must be bigoted shallow *******s who think terrible thoughts about you all the time and are just waiting to laugh at you.


It couldn't possibly be their own attitude/perspective or lack of trying thats holding them back. Because if it were, then that would mean there is work to be done and risks to be taken and lots of other scary propositions. There's a real risk of rejection. It is so much easier to resign oneself to the idea that the world is against you and there's nothing you can do about it.


What wankers fail to realize is that only the first part is true. The world really is conspiring against you. However that's no excuse to do nothing. It's not as impossible as people make it out to be. Whining like a little bitch that no one wants me wasn't working out so well. Taking action, putting myself out there, improving myself in many ways has been so much more successful. Epic failures happen. Life gets turned upside down and I learn from it and move forward. No one else is going to do it for you.


There are winners and whiners. Whiners constantly come up with ever more creative excuses. Winners are banging the cheerleaders or at least keep doing things that may lead to it.

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Don't sweat it, I went out with a guy who was a lot shorter than me and I'm 5'6'' just find a non shallow girl :)

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In the real world, people are very rarely EVERYTHING you ask for except just one thing. So lets not get lost in the fantasy world here. And from your post it sounds like having a cute face is a necessity for you...What's wrong with a woman replacing the cute face requirement with height requirement?


I would say a face is important for pretty much everybody. I would hope women wouldn't date a tall man with a face she wasn't attracted to just for the sole reason that he was tall.


Face is a pretty standard requirement, I would say, for both sexes.


I think the other stuff (boob size, ass size, waist size, height) are where it gets dicey.


Are you really going to reject a girl because her ass doesn't look like Kim K's? That's shallow to me. Are you really going to reject a guy because he isn't 6"? That's shallow to me.


Given they have everything else you could look for.

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I would say a face is important for pretty much everybody. I would hope women wouldn't date a tall man with a face she wasn't attracted to just for the sole reason that he was tall.


Face is a pretty standard requirement, I would say, for both sexes.


I think the other stuff (boob size, ass size, waist size, height) are where it gets dicey.


Are you really going to reject a girl because her ass doesn't look like Kim K's? That's shallow to me. Are you really going to reject a guy because he isn't 6"? That's shallow to me.


Given they have everything else you could look for.


so just because you think face should be important for everyone, it's ok and not shallow but everything else is? You're not making much sense here, defining things based on what works for you without taking into account people are individuals and have different preferences. I personally prefer a good body to a good face.


But hey, if it makes you sleep better at night to call them shallow bicthes and undeserving of you, by all means go for it.

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But hey, if it makes you sleep better at night to call them shallow bicthes and undeserving of you, by all means go for it.


Although your response is cheeky and sarcastic, I think we have found common ground here.


As stated before, shallow people exist. It is up to the individual to decide what they consider shallow. I never said my opinion was the law of the land. I also said I was talking about how short men should handle these situations.


I believe if you're gonna reject me because of height, you're a shallow bitch, and I move onto the next one. I'm successful.


The other men believe they are doomed because of their height, every woman has the same standards for height, and they are sentenced to lifetime suffering. They are unsuccessful.


Seems to me my school of thought is a bit better.

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Whats with all this arguing?


Yes height matters, the same way many things look-related matter. No, it doesnt make someone shallow if they prefer certain physical attributes that they are more attracted to.


Get over it shorter guys and just date women who dont care much about having a "tall" guy.


Im 5'9, and there was a time where one girl I was with made me feel self conscious about my height. I got over it and now just focus on my better attributes. I may be just average height, but I have pretty cool hair, am in good shape, and like to think Im cute as well. Im not swimming in women, but I know my height isnt the reason for that.


And even if it was, I wouldnt let it bother me. Focus on the girls who will want you. Not the ones who dont.

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Whats with all this arguing?


Yes height matters, the same way many things look-related matter. No, it doesnt make someone shallow if they prefer certain physical attributes that they are more attracted to.


Get over it shorter guys and just date women who dont care much about having a "tall" guy.


Im 5'9, and there was a time where one girl I was with made me feel self conscious about my height. I got over it and now just focus on my better attributes. I may be just average height, but I have pretty cool hair, am in good shape, and like to think Im cute as well. Im not swimming in women, but I know my height isnt the reason for that.


And even if it was, I wouldnt let it bother me. Focus on the girls who will want you. Not the ones who dont.


Shhhh you are cute, way too cute in fact :love:

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In the real world, people are very rarely EVERYTHING you ask for except just one thing. So lets not get lost in the fantasy world here. And from your post it sounds like having a cute face is a necessity for you...What's wrong with a woman replacing the cute face requirement with height requirement?


You can upgrade your beauty.


You can't upgrade your height.


So no, they aren't comparable.

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