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my boyfrend goes out and doesn't come back


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my boyfriend of nearly two years is really pissing me off.Everytime he goes out with his friends from work he gets really drunk and doesn't come back until like 36 hours later he turns off his phone so I have no way of contacting him and he doesn't bother to ring me to give an explanation.For example last night he went out at 7pm and he still hasn't come back it is now 4.58 I am completely sick of this ##### from him.What should I do?

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Well, just out of curiosity...where on earth are you, that it is now 4:58?


Secondly, again just based on my curiosity...does your boyfriend work, or go to school? How does he go on all these benders and get along in life?


Thirdly, what DO you see in him? An attachment from 2 yrs of being together? Good looks? It's gotta be one of these two, because he obviously is showing absolutely no concern for your feelings, whatsoever.


Have you addressed this with him? What does he say?


What do you do?...go cold on him, and when he comes whining, tell him you DEMAND an explanation, and that if this happens again, you're leaving him.


And then stick to your guns.



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I can't really tell you what you should do but I can tell you what you shouldn't do. You shouldn't put up with that crap.


As long as you tolerate this behavior, it will continue and get worse. This is a trashy situation and I think you ought to give some serious thought about having a boyfriend who goes out and with his friends and gets smashed and stays away for long periods of time.


Most women would not want this in a boyfriend, much less a husband. You can do better.

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Let him know that his behavior doens't make it with you as a girlfriend or even as a friend. Tell him if he keeps on with this stuff you will break up with him and find someone who knows how to treat you.

my boyfriend of nearly two years is really pissing me off.Everytime he goes out with his friends from work he gets really drunk and doesn't come back until like 36 hours later he turns off his phone so I have no way of contacting him and he doesn't bother to ring me to give an explanation.For example last night he went out at 7pm and he still hasn't come back it is now 4.58 I am completely sick of this ##### from him.What should I do?
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