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Moving to be near my g/f but worried that her parents will conflict with me


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Hey, im 18 and have been in a long distance (not the matter im asking about) relationship with somene I love truly for the past 6 months, and next week im moving from England all the way to Canada so that I can be with her and close to her all the time, which has meant that ive had to change my life and leave everyone ive known for the past 18 years behind... but the problem rests with her family, because naturally she wants to meet up with me with her parents, and as she is still living with them its going to be a bit complicated as I want to do everything right by them, but knowing little about them im not quite sure how to go about getting them to trust me with their daughter, and to let us see each other as much as possible... because I know everything will end up being around them quite a bit. Guess what im asking is has anyone got any advice for me, or anything maybe I should do in preperation, because I have a feeling that they arent going to be very trustful and will ask a lot of questions why someone so far away would want to do this, and how I could fall in love with someone this way, and will likely push me away and tell me to leave her alone (which will never happen obviously) because of this. Id like to talk to them before, but im trusting in my g/f, because she thinks it would be best for me to wait until im over there before we tell their parents about our situation together, and is waiting for a definiate date before she even hints at anything to them.

Any advice from parents, or really anyone would be grately appreciated.




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i think you should try to spend time with them. you shoudl be honest with them because parents have these gut instincts. my dad had a hard time dealing with the fact that i was seing someone. i am the eldest daughter so it was alittle hard. my boyfriend came over a lot and spent time with my parents and now they lov ehim and its great to spend time all of us together and not just me and him.

best of luck let us know how its going

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Thanks im just trying to think about how I should do it, because im not sure whether they will give me that chance to get to know them in the first place :S

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