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Need a woman's opinion

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I need some advice.

Last year, I was in a class with a girl I was quite drawn to--surprisingly strongly. We chatted a little

bit, and at the end of the semester (last December) she gave me her number when I asked. We'd shared a few

looks across the classroom, and we'd say 'hi' in the halls, etc. If she saw me in the caff, she'd come

over for a minute to talk. Nothing major, but it was nice. Anyway, I lost her number and just found it

today when cleaning the house up. Oddly enough, I've found myself thinking about her quite a bit lately.

Last we spoke (in April), she was still living with her bf. Would it be wierd for me to call up out of

the blue after so long? Or has too much time passed, and I should just let this go.

What would you girls think if a guy you'd given your number to last year called you?

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I think it would be fine to call her and ask her how she is doing ...


You can just refresh her memory of who you are and ask her if she would like to get together for dinner.


If she has a bf/husband...she will inform you at that time...


Meanwhile....maybe she would enjoy spending time with...you never know


Call her :)

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i'd also say call her, but the thing is, when she was talking to u or by giving u her number, and at that time she had a bf, its kinda weird. she might have been only interested as a friend.


so dont expect too much when u call her.


for me i would be like oh cool, this guy must really like me, to have remembered me after all this time. lol.


anyways, i would say call her and see whats up.

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