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holidays + ex


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This isn't anything big, but some input from you all would be nice. I'm not sure what the best way is to handle the situation.


In March, I broke up with an ignorant, prejudiced JERK after wasting almost two years of my life dating him. I tried to end it nicely, but I was soooo incredibly sick of him, that things turned ugly. We cut off all contact.


The nicest thing he ever did for me was get me a beanie baby in a paper bag for one birthday. The other bday he wished me happy bday and that's it. And forget about any holidays.


Well yesterday I received a card and a gift from him. He got me a necklace...gold chain with a diamond pendant, maybe $100-200. The card said "happy holidays, i thought this would look great on you. please accept it..it'll hurt me if you give it back". Let me tell you...my jaw almost hit the floor.


It's been on my mind all day. Why would he do this..out of the total blue? I don't want to keep it. I wanted to call him up and say "nice try" but I guess I shouldn't be mean.


Should I mail it back? It would suck if it got lost in the mail. Or should I be polite and return it in person? I REALLY don't want to see this guy or talk to this guy. I had already scratched him off my shopping list.


By the way, does anyone need a present for their girlfriend?

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Mail it back. Chances are extremely slim that they'll get lost in the mail. This was extremely manipulative of him, if you want my opinion. He's trying to buy you, and saying that "you'll hurt him" if you send it back.


He sucks, and I'm glad you have the integrity to see this. Just don't write a long message on the card. Something simple, to the point, a little nice. DON'T see him in person...he wants that.



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I too would send it back. Keeping it would give him hope that you might get back together again. Around Christmas people get sentimental but can they sustain it for the rest of the year? You saw what he was like for 2 years: Can he change just because the loneliness of the holidays has spurred him to try to get you back?


You don't want him back anyway, so keeping the present would only make you feel icky every time you looked at it.

aahh Good idea. Thanks Paulie.
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