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Baby Shower Ideas!!!

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Hello to any and all who may or may not be parents/soon to be parents etc. etc.

Need some advice or opinions :)

A colleague at work is expecting her first baby in July. She's 20something weeks just now. She knows the sex of the baby.

Her sister in law works at the same place and too and I asked her the other day if she was thinking of throwing a baby shower for her. She said she had thought about it but wasn't sure when she was going on maternity leave or when exactly you would hold it-a few weeks before they give birth a couple of months before. She also wasn't sure what to do.

From the little experience I have I would say the ladies are at least over 30 weeks when they have their showers...and generally its just eating, having fun and giving presents etc.

Does anyone know if it is meant to be a surprise for the mum to be?

Any idea on when best to have one?

Thanks for any ideas/advice in advance! :)

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No experience with this, but from what I've seen the mom-to-be is generally aware of the shower (she has to be there!) but the person hosting it is usually the one inviting all her friends and etc. If you want to be a surprise, I suppose you can.

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Seriously go on Pinterest!! They have the best best best party ideas! If I have a girl one day I want a zebra/cheetah print and hot pink themed shower. Go on pinterest

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