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What is your take on this one...should i be concerned?

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I have been dating my bf for 1 yr and a half. We love eachother alot and only get to see eachother perhaps 2 days a week cause we live one hour apart. Due to past relationships I have become and insecure person and am afraid of beong hurt and cheated on again. Now because I am scared of this im sure it makes me get worried about the smallest thing so I need help in wondering if I should be concerend...heres the scoop...


My bf, me, his best friends, and his best friends gf, were in his jeep coming home and we were playing with the CB radio. All of a sudden some girl came on it and it turned out she was like a few cars ahead of us. We my bf and his friend were yhaving fun I guess and they were like "where are u heading?" and when she said "we" they were like whos we...and glancing at he when we drove by to get a look I guess and my bf id like "let us know when there is a good party in you area"


Anyways my bf's friend's gf wasnt upset by this, I was so I am wondering if im over reating. It makes me worry that if he didn think it was a big deal they were just messing around and having fun that he may hurt me. I told him how I felt and that is bothered me and he said he didnt think that it was anything but that he was sorry that it hurt my feelings and he shouldnt have done it. He says that I have nothing to worry about cause he would never hurt me, that he loves me alot and that I am they only one for him.


I just cant help but be afraid that he will do this again, and what if I wasnt in the car, what if it was at a bar....geeze all theses what ifs that I worry about all the time.


Should I worry, or is this just them being guys and messing around and showing off infront if us girls and eachother?


As I said my bf's friends gf didnt care...but she lives with him and goes home with him.....


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is this just them being guys and messing around and showing off infront if us girls and eachother?





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Yeah, I agree. This is just guys doing their guy thing. It sounds harmless to me. Guys just can't resist being pigs around each other - trust me, I'm a guy!



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ya i guess you guys r right. Im so afraid of getting hurt! I have been before...dont wanna go through it again like that

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