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Newly Diagnosed with Lupus

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I have just been diagnosed with Lupus.


My honey is really stressed, but in a way its a relief for me. I have had many "unexplained" illnesses, all of which after review have been attributed to this disease. If there is a name I can fight it.


Does anyone on the boards have this disease, or are familiar with it?


Are there particular treatments that work for you?


What suggestions might you have in dealing with this day to day?





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i'll post a short one so that you know that i'm reading up on this one for you and so that your post bumps back up toward the top of the list.


i hope that you find people (on LS or at home) who are supportive and who are going through this as well.


speaking from experience (though not lupus) i know what a relief it is to finally know what is wrong. no matter how hard to fight, i think it's always better to know.


we're all thinking of you

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Is yours systemic? Or is it the atopic type?


I don't know a lot about it either way. Just take good care of yourself. :)

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Thanks guys. The links are really helpful.


I do not know which type I have yet. I have an appointment with a Rheumatologist next week. Because I am on disability because of neuralgia caused by shingles I lost my health care. I am currently on state health benefits and its a hard system to work with.


My GP tied all my symptoms together and did the proper bloodwork. Now its a waiting game to see whats next. I have read that prednisone is often used to help with symptoms. Prednisone and I don't get along very well.


Anyway, thanks again for the links and good thoughts.

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A good friend of mine has Lupus, and she has regular steriod treatments. I will ask her for some info if you would like.

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