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Why do I attract the girls I don't want?

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Plus I'm not the horny college guy type who just wants to have one night with a girl.

I'm a gentleman, and I'm in no hurry to be in a relationship. I'm more of the family type. I'd rather have a life partner/wife, than be a "player"

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I am too shy and I don't have a lot of confidence. Nothing to do with my look.

I walk past one girl ( she didn't look too bad) and she said "You're FIT!"

And I casually said "Oh, thanks" on my way out. I have vegan body shower products, I always have deodorant. I surprisingly have NO acne for a teen. The reason I don't have a girl my type is because I don't have the guts to talk to my types.


LOL she was hitting on you dummy! That was an opening, go say hi next time that happens.

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Esoteric Elf
I'm in the same boat you are with the attracting girls I don't want.


The reason I came up with is because we are completely ourselves around those girls. We are not pretending, we are not changing our behavior, we are just us.

Amen to this!

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I'd rather have a life partner/wife, than be a "player"
If you are shy then I would focus on why that is and practice taking more risks. Start out small... a smile with eye contact, a quick "hello", then make your way up to "how are you?" (if it's someone you've said hello to before, of course!), then continue gradually.


If you are just terrified of rejection just remember the right girl for you will not reject you outright. If you feel rejected right away, also consider that she may be shy and just try again in a gentle manner until you both start to feel more comfortable.


It's hard for a shy guy, I know. But you have high standards and you know what you want. Be proud of that and never beat yourself down. You can do this. The right girl is out there for you.

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LOL she was hitting on you dummy! That was an opening, go say hi next time that happens.


Haha, but I'm too much of a wuss.

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If you are shy then I would focus on why that is and practice taking more risks. Start out small... a smile with eye contact, a quick "hello", then make your way up to "how are you?" (if it's someone you've said hello to before, of course!), then continue gradually.


If you are just terrified of rejection just remember the right girl for you will not reject you outright. If you feel rejected right away, also consider that she may be shy and just try again in a gentle manner until you both start to feel more comfortable.


It's hard for a shy guy, I know. But you have high standards and you know what you want. Be proud of that and never beat yourselft down. You can do this. The right girl is out there for you.

Thank you so much :)

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Haha, but I'm too much of a wuss.


I know what you mean it's scary as hell, like a first job interview only with more social pressure. You have to learn how to try though, especially if a girl gives you a really obvious opening like that. Even if she's just plain average looking chat her up and if she seems cool give her your Facebook address or email. Don't go for a phone number right away, you want something no-pressure.

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If you are shy then I would focus on why that is and practice taking more risks. Start out small... a smile with eye contact, a quick "hello", then make your way up to "how are you?" (if it's someone you've said hello to before, of course!), then continue gradually.


If you are just terrified of rejection just remember the right girl for you will not reject you outright. If you feel rejected right away, also consider that she may be shy and just try again in a gentle manner until you both start to feel more comfortable.


It's hard for a shy guy, I know. But you have high standards and you know what you want. Be proud of that and never beat yourself down. You can do this. The right girl is out there for you.


Thanks for this as well! I am a bit shy and would never go up to a random woman and start talking. That is not me at all.


But I will try this! I am getting better though! :)

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I know what you mean it's scary as hell, like a first job interview only with more social pressure. You have to learn how to try though, especially if a girl gives you a really obvious opening like that. Even if she's just plain average looking chat her up and if she seems cool give her your Facebook address or email. Don't go for a phone number right away, you want something no-pressure.


Great advice! Thanks!! :)

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Also, someone else told me that to be yourself, because girls are smart based on looks how we act... Girls don't like people who aren't themselves and that is what she said.


Hope it helps!


It is nice to know there are a lot more people in your same boat.


Agree and disagree. Agree that we let it flow naturally but disagree in the sense that even if initial attraction sparks off, some girls will be careful to check out the guy if he's within her league.


Maybe it's just me but I won't go for men who are too successful career wise or those who ignore me even if I'm interested in him.

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Haha, but I'm too much of a wuss.


at least you're not a wuss AND dense ;) I'm also super thick about these things so I realize like 3 hours after such events happen: oh she was indicating interest in me! not that I'd have the guts to reciprocate anyways lol

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