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....i think i just had what alcoholics refer to as "a moment of clarity". something just popped into my head and told me that i'm not going to let the fact that i was recently, painfully dumped by my boyfriend get me down.


because for every person in your life who you thought was wonderful and who you thought would never hurt you, there will be another who you KNOW is wonderful and you KNOW will NEVER hurt you. it's just a matter of them walking into my life and me being ready for it.


i just need to find a person who has similar views to love and relationships like me and won't walk away from the silly #####. i don't believe relationships are meant to be 100% all the time. you have to accept there may be days when things aren't feeling so great, but isn't that what part of loving is about, not expecting too much and taking the good with the bad??? am i an off-the-mark-crazy-have-no-idea-nutty-girl??

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isn't that what part of loving is about, not expecting too much and taking the good with the bad??? am i an off-the-mark-crazy-have-no-idea-nutty-girl??


Sounds pretty good to me. Good luck!!! And, no, I don't think you're so nutty.

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I know your pain because I've experienced a breakup like you did. It takes a long time to get used to the fact that I got to live my own life without him. But it is just the reality.


I think you are pretty rational and mature, that you think similar views to love and relationships are very important elements in a successful love relationship. I didn't get the idea until the breakup. To find someone who has shared goals and shared values with us is the most important thing we got to do.


Feel free to cry if you feel really bad. Crying is a good way to diminish the stress you have. Shed the tears and let it go. We've become a better person through the breakup.


Best regards to you.



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it's comforting to know that someone else knows what i'm going through. it's easy to sit there and feel all sorry for myself and feel like i'm the only one in the world who's feeling like this, when i'm not. but that won't get me anywhere if i mope around all the time and think "woe is me".


i think the hardest thing is accepting. it was very hard for me because we never grew apart or fought. the attachment was always there and we were so close but he felt in his (extremely confused and irrational) mind, he was doing the right thing by me because of his circumstances. it still is hard, but i'd like to think i'm getting a bit stronger every day.


and crying does help. i've found logging on to love shack every day helps too. it's therapeutic to be able to read other peoples posts and to try and help someone who is unhappy or lost too. probably because i can relate to their pain, and knowing how it feels, want to be able to give some advice too. whether it's good or bad advice, i don't know, but just trying to give a helping hand means a lot to me.


thanks to everyone who has listened to my tale of woe! it really helps and i appreciate it very much.

I know your pain because I've experienced a breakup like you did. It takes a long time to get used to the fact that I got to live my own life without him. But it is just the reality.


I think you are pretty rational and mature, that you think similar views to love and relationships are very important elements in a successful love relationship. I didn't get the idea until the breakup. To find someone who has shared goals and shared values with us is the most important thing we got to do. Feel free to cry if you feel really bad. Crying is a good way to diminish the stress you have. Shed the tears and let it go. We've become a better person through the breakup. Best regards to you. Rebecca

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Don't lose faith that you will find the right person (or that that that the right person will find you). We are brought together on the chessboard of life but we cannot control when it happens. That is what makes love surprising and wonderful (though waiting for it can be frustrating).


Just know that that person is seeking you out right now and is looking for a lady with your unique qualities. Hey, if love were easy, the Loveshack would not exist.

it's comforting to know that someone else knows what i'm going through. it's easy to sit there and feel all sorry for myself and feel like i'm the only one in the world who's feeling like this, when i'm not. but that won't get me anywhere if i mope around all the time and think "woe is me". i think the hardest thing is accepting. it was very hard for me because we never grew apart or fought. the attachment was always there and we were so close but he felt in his (extremely confused and irrational) mind, he was doing the right thing by me because of his circumstances. it still is hard, but i'd like to think i'm getting a bit stronger every day. and crying does help. i've found logging on to love shack every day helps too. it's therapeutic to be able to read other peoples posts and to try and help someone who is unhappy or lost too. probably because i can relate to their pain, and knowing how it feels, want to be able to give some advice too. whether it's good or bad advice, i don't know, but just trying to give a helping hand means a lot to me. thanks to everyone who has listened to my tale of woe! it really helps and i appreciate it very much.
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....i think i just had what alcoholics refer to as "a moment of clarity". something just popped into my head and told me that i'm not going to let the fact that i was recently, painfully dumped by my boyfriend get me down.


because for every person in your life who you thought was wonderful and who you thought would never hurt you, there will be another who you KNOW is wonderful and you KNOW will NEVER hurt you. it's just a matter of them walking into my life and me being ready for it. i just need to find a person who has similar views to love and relationships like me and won't walk away from the silly #####. i don't believe relationships are meant to be 100% all the time. you have to accept there may be days when things aren't feeling so great, but isn't that what part of loving is about, not expecting too much and taking the good with the bad??? am i an off-the-mark-crazy-have-no-idea-nutty-girl??

no your not, nutty maybe crunchy.problems in a realationship


are there to be worked out and make thee parties stronger in the realationship so good comunication make a pervect


couple in eachother and it can make realatoinship last forever

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