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another friend situation... what should i do?

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here's my problem, i've been talking to this girl for 2 months now, i met her a while back at a friend's party, and she was pretty quick to give me her number and other contact information, since then we have seen each other two or three times, not much, but we do have frequent phone and IM conversations, and we have talked about past relationships and everything (she left her boyfriend a few months ago because he cheated on her) and are comfortable with telling each other pretty much anything, i really love talking to her and being with her, even though we don't see each other too much, but when i do invite her out, she is enthusiastic about it, but something keeps coming up at the last second


i enjoy the friendship we have, but the romantic feelings i have for her are strong and i really want to explore them...


it's killing me not having this out in the open, i'm wondering if i should see her more before telling her how i feel?


also wondering how i should tell her (phone, email) i seem to opt for e-mail, it being alot easier on me, but will she see that as a cowardly act?

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I think email is a fine way to ask her out - she won't think you're a coward and it'll give you time to say it exactly how you want to say it.


I wouldn't read too much into her pulling out of seeing you last minute. Things come up, it's not as if she's refused ever to meet you. Probably just circumstance. Maybe she's still raw about the cheater guy - if she is that could make her cautious about entering anything new but if she likes you she'll tell you it's too soon.


But you're only going to know by asking. She seems keen, you clearly are, and two months isn't a massive emotional investment if she turns you down.


Nothing to lose on this one I think. Go for it and good luck.

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Thanks alot, I'll let you know how it goes :)


P.S. Since I first posted, I have also signed up, looks like a great site, I think I'll stick around.

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