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How to cope with this.

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Hey guys i singed up for some advice i have been with my GF for just over 2 year now we are a very happy couple sex lifes great, not much problem.


my GF is kinda flirty i can put up with that we all have that in us and she likes to flash on messagers like msn which she still does to this day and as long as she aint physical i said go ahead its a bit fun.


One day later last month i was at work nightshift had the text saying goodnight all fine. when i got home she sat down and told me in full honesty she had sex with her friend who i know just after she said goodnight.


I can cope with her being a online flasher but having sex behind my back kind of struck me a little, she was fully honest when i got home, but still it dont take the fact she had another man cum inside her :/.


i just want advice on how to take it and is it ok or not?


thanks guys.

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Do you have an open relationship?




Um...then it probably isn't ok.


OTOH, maybe now you can go off and find your own side plate.


Jesus wept.

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You cannot be serious. You are in a 2 year relationship and after she says good night to you she goes and has sex with a friend. Why in the world would you stay with someone who has absolutely no respect for you or your relationship? If you do not respect yourself then who will? It sounds like you live with her and she did this to you? If you stay with her then she would have been right having no respect for you. I guess it is O.K. for you to screw a female friend as well. This is simply ridiculous. Move on. She has shown clearly what she thinks of you.

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everyone has their limits but having another man cum inside her sounds to me like a no no. to be honest, I'm not surprised the minute you said that she is the flirty type. Anyone like that, I try to stay away like they plague...Trust me, don't take her apologies because they only thing she wants is not to have a guilty conscious now. dont give her that luxury;)

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No, its not ok.


Unless you have some sort of agreement ahead of time, and it sounds like you didn't - then she is very much in the wrong. So sorry you had to deal with this, cheating is destructive in many ways.


It is no reflection on you, this is all her poor behaviour. I would leave her

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