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shes lying to me about him.

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i recently found out that my partner of 2 years is lying to me about a guy she was with just before we got together,


it doesnt worry me that she had a thing with him at all, i know him and it wouldnt affect my relationship if she did, however i asked her on a hunch a while back and she straight out said 'no'


ive just heard from several people all unrelated that they witnessed them together on a few occasions, why would she lie to me?


its just messing with my head and making me wonder what other things she may have lied about?

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If you don't have trust in a relationship then you have nothing. You have been together 2 years and other people are telling you that they keep seeing her with her ex says a great deal. There is a reason that she is not being honest with you and I do not think you need to be a genius to figure this one out. She is doing something that she does not want you to know about. How would she feel if the roles were reversed? Good luck.

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bear in mind what i heard of them being seen together was witness to them having a thing, they were not seen together recently...


so without even digging i just heard a few more things which shed light, it turns out he was married then so shes obviously protecting him.....but also that more than a few people think that her youngest son could in fact be his and not both to her ex, which meant she was cheating on her ex as well.....


i still kinda thought this could be something she could tell me,especially since it was before i came along, instead im haunted by her lying to my face about it

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You do realize that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.


It's amazing how many people don't realize this.

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.....but also that more than a few people think that her youngest son could in fact be his and not both to her ex


This is really ugly gossip, and I'm surprised that you seem to be perfectly fine engaging in it. How is it any of anyone else's business who fathered her child? It's just a nasty thing to be whispering about behind her back.


The rest of it is also simply gossip until you get confirmation/denial from your girlfriend. Talk to her about what you've been hearing. If her answers aren't to your satisfaction, then do what you have to do.


Just out of curiosity, how are all these unrelated people suddenly coming to you with this information if you haven't been doing any digging?

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Darren Steez
It's amazing how many people don't realize this.


That's because

a) White knight, they think they're so special they can change them

b)Ignorance is bliss

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this info came to me from a few friends that can obviously see im struggling at the moment and told me these things because they respect me and want me to know, and its not really gossip when these friends witnessed stuff that my gf denies to me


and im not sure what to believe in terms of people making the same decisions all of their lives ie once a cheater always a cheater

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this info came to me from a few friends that can obviously see im struggling at the moment and told me these things because they respect me and want me to know, and its not really gossip when these friends witnessed stuff that my gf denies to me


What exactly did they witness?

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it's hard to tell without knowing the person but it could be for a couple of reasons she's not being straight like may be something more did happen. Either way, if she's boldly lying to you, it's not a good sign because what else may she hide from you?

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Darren Steez
making out and dissapearing from places together, sleeping together at some party


??!!?? and you're still with her?

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You do realize that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.


What's the second best predictor? A crystal ball?

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