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broken heart


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my name is michael. me an dmy girl-friend broke up and i am feeling very sad and i search for someone to talk about it, so please answer me.

Hey there Michael... sorry to here about your woes with the ex, but these things do happen, and you're gonna have to work through them--but it looks like you already know that, since you're looking for someone to talk to on here.


If you want to talk individually, my e-mail is on this posting; feel free to drop me a message any time.



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Aww Mike, I've never broken up with someone I really cared about, so I really don't know what to tell you other than take it one day at a time. If you feel you broke up over something stupid, try and work it out with her. I wouldn't try the rebound approach because it may make you realize exactly what you are missing or want back. Just take it slow and the best thing is you probably learn something from being in that relationship to better yourself, and thanx for the advice.

hi, my name is michael. me an dmy girl-friend broke up and i am feeling very sad and i search for someone to talk about it, so please answer me.
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