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3 months and still cant move on..advice please


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Hi all!


Heres my story .I am 33 my ex gf is 32,we were friends for about 6 months before we started dating.We only went out for 4 months and been apart for 3 months ,but I still cant get over her.After breaking up we hung out and tried to be just friends but this was too confusing for me as she would still hold my hand ,touch me and sit against me me(using me as a back-rest).She claims she did this because she is comfortable around me.We have not spoken to each other in about 6 weeks.


I know this was only a very short relationship but she is EVERYTHING I ever wanted in a partner and we had so much fun, so much in common and got along really good together.We shared all the same interests,we could do all the same outdoor activities together(cycling,running,swimming,skating,hiking and camping) and had the same views towards religion,abortion,marriage etc,etc..we would talk for hours and hours about anything.


The reason she broke up with me is because I have been financially irresponsible.She has a big problem with the fact that I am in debt but its only $3000(incurred by taking time off of work to travel).But i am now in the process of changing my life around.I am returning to college and will have my debt paid off at the end of the year.I have explained all of this to her and she still doesn't want be "involved" with me.


I tend to think that she is afraid of commitment.She is 32 and has never had a serious relationship.She told at the beginning of our relationship that she didn't want it to be serious ,but things naturally progressed and got serious.She always said that it felt "right".she also told me that I was different(in a good way) and that there wasnt many guys like me.


I really want this girl back in my life.I asked her to meet me for a coffee a month ago,she declined ,but said she would call me when was ready .She still hasnt called ,so i haven't called her back since I am still waiting for her.


Now I dont know what do do anymore,should i call her?Her birthday is next week I want to send her a friendly birthday card just to let her know that I membered her Bday and that i still care.Is this a good idea?


Thanks for any replies

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she is EVERYTHING I ever wanted in a partner and we had so much fun, so much in common and got along really good together.We shared all the same interests,we could do all the same outdoor activities together(cycling,running,swimming,skating,hiking and camping) and had the same views towards religion,abortion,marriage etc,etc..we would talk for hours and hours about anything.


Almost every couple feels that way for the first several months. She holds the fact that you took a trip against you, when you have figured out already how you plan to pay it back? The first of the flaws. If you knew her longer, you would've found more. Let her go and find someone else.

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