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the girl of my dreams

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

ok, i met this girl online about 6 months ago. She lives in a town close to me (about 30 minutes away) Im 23 and she is 18. We started talking, and after a few months of talking to her online, she gave me her phone number. We even emailed pictures of each other.


Well, i called her a few times and we talked for a while but not long. She has a really great personality. I liked her picture, but pictures can be deceaving so i wasn't sure about her at the time. Well, yesturday i got online and she was online also.


We talked for a while and she asked me if i wanted to join her and a few of her friends for dinner. I said "sure". So we met at a resturaunt, and when i seen her, it was like love at first site. Not only is she the most beautiful girls i have ever seen, but she has one of the best personallities also. Everything about her i like.


Im kinda shy when it comes to a very beautiful girl like her. I get nervous and im afraid i will say something stupid or something (not meaning to, just coz im nervous)


She seems to really like me. She was with like 4 or 5 of her friends, and she made sure she sat right beside me and she talked to me more than she did anyone else. She also kept touching me and looking at me.


Im usually not nervous when its just an ordinary girl, but this one is different. Is this normal? She was on my mind all evening yesturday after i left. All i kept thinking about, is how wonderful a person she is and how beautiful she is. I want to play it right. Im really like her ALOT!! Im not sure what to do. I have had a few times in the past that a girl would liked me, but after talking to them once or twice, they changed there mind instanly. Should i call her tonight or should i wait a day or 2? Im not good at this type of thing.


I have one friend of mine, that is not all that good looking. He has teeth missing and everything else, but he can sweet talk any girl he meets. He get all kinds of girls that are interested in him. I wish i had that touch. Im not the slightest bit ugly, but i lack that sweet talk that girls like. Should i just be myself? Should i tell her that i like her? She said she would love to go out this weekend, but she has to work. But she said she would try and find a way around it.


Im inexperienced in this type of thing and need some input.

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Notice I changed the title of my Reply.


I can't help but see a HUGE red flag JUST because of her age. 18 year old girls are wonderful, and I am constantly falling in love with them, whether or not I ever meet them.


She may also be TOTALLY in love with you right now, but this species is so fickle you can never figure 'em out...at this age, they have trouble even knowing what it is that they want themselves.


Having said that, BOB, I would say go for it. But don't call her for a couple of days. She already has said that she has to work this weekend, and although she said she would try to get the day off one of those days, you just play it cool, and assume that she couldn't get the day off.


Then call her, maybe on saturday or sunday. This is not too far away! I've had girls I'd been dating that Ihadn't talked to in MONTHS e-mail me asking me why I'd been being "such a stranger lately."


Don't worry...wait at least a couple of days. If that doesn't work, try losing a few teeth.


Best Wishes,



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Wow, what an exciting thing to happen!!!


It is quite normal to be nervous around someone you have just me and you are really attracted to. But this will pass and you'll calm down after seeing her a few times.


You should not call her right away...but in about two days. And you should not go online as often, or block her so she can't tell you're online.


If you want romance with this gal, be friendly but be a challenge. Don't call her too often, don't send her Email, don't talk to her online every single day no matter how much you may want to.


Especially if she is young, she may fall for guys all the time. You may be one of five or six she's got working right now. If you want to win out on this one, you've got to be the one she desires the most. And the way to do that is drive her mad with desire by not being so available. Other guys who call her five times a day will make her sick.


This sounds really exciting and I want it to work for you. It really does sound like you are in love. Yes, be yourself, be nice, but not too nice, and make yourself a challenge for her.


And be sure to invite us to the wedding!!!


As for your ugly friend with no teeth, different women look different things in men. Many look for intelligence, good conversation, vulnerability, and believe it or not...many women feel a less attractive guy will value them more, have more respect for them, treat them nicer and be less apt to cheat on them. Remember, women fall in love with a man because of the way a man makes them feel. If you make a woman feel you genuinely care about them, are interested in their life, and are focused on their feelings, you can win them over no matter what you look like. When they say there's somebody for everybody, they're not kidding!!!

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Listen to Paulie and Tony when they say not to call her


right away.


Tony's advice was great about being a challenge. This DOES work! Trust me. When a guy acts pressed or act like he can't live without the girl, we lose interest quickly. It just gets boring.


Many girls are more interested in a guy when he seems like a challenge. And when he seems like he's happy on his own and having a great time and doesn't NEED a girl to be happy, that makes him even more attractive. Half the fun is in the chase.

Im usually not nervous when its just an ordinary girl, but this one is different. Is this normal?

It's completely normal. You're attracted to her, and you feel like you don't want to make any mistakes and ruin things. Don't be nervous. Everything will be okay.

mind instanly. Should i call her tonight or should i wait a day or 2?


like. Should i just be myself?

YESSSSSS. The next time you hang out with her, just RELAX. Be yourself. If you try to act different, in time, your true self will show through and she might think you're fake. So be yourself. She'll like you a lot more for it.


Don't act moody, be happy.


Make her smile.


Don't be too serious the whole time.


Flirt. Not excessively though.


Listen to her.


If you're nervous and you don't know what to say, ask her questions. Girls like talking about themselves.

Should i tell her that i like her?

Personally, I wouldn't tell her yet. She'll have a good idea that you're interested in her by your words and your actions. But when you tell her, she'll know for sure. It'll mess up the whole "challenge" thing. It might be best to TAKE IT SLOW. very slow. don't rush things.


just relax :)


Good luck!

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If your not ugly or fat than call her ASAP. Don't wait and play it cool girls really hate that. Whenever a guy calls me right after the first date i know that he really likes me. And it sounds to me like you are a perfect for eachother. I mean you met online! Is that what you are gonna tell everyone on you wedding anniversary?

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Bobby, I have been a reader of your posts for some time now and I am definitely seeing a pattern. You fall in love very easily and seem to be easily led on by the appearances of these girls. This is the infatuation phase and it is always delightful. Everyone is wearing their party manners and it is all on the surface.


But these things don't last for you because you fall so quickly and so hard. You are falling for an illusion, not the real girl. Then, because it is based really just on fun conversation, chat, and looks, it can't last because there is not a deeper connnection. But meanwhile, you have offered up your heart on a platter and it is shriveling up from neglect.


It is easy to continuously fall head over heels, because it is such a fun rollercoaster. There are so many cute girls out there with fun personalities. You could fall in love every night with another one. But I suggest you go for something more grounded in reality, a girl who can really love you back.

ok, i met this girl online about 6 months ago. She lives in a town close to me (about 30 minutes away) Im 23 and she is 18. We started talking, and after a few months of talking to her online, she gave me her phone number. We even emailed pictures of each other. Well, i called her a few times and we talked for a while but not long. She has a really great personality. I liked her picture, but pictures can be deceaving so i wasn't sure about her at the time. Well, yesturday i got online and she was online also. We talked for a while and she asked me if i wanted to join her and a few of her friends for dinner. I said "sure". So we met at a resturaunt, and when i seen her, it was like love at first site. Not only is she the most beautiful girls i have ever seen, but she has one of the best personallities also. Everything about her i like. Im kinda shy when it comes to a very beautiful girl like her. I get nervous and im afraid i will say something stupid or something (not meaning to, just coz im nervous) She seems to really like me. She was with like 4 or 5 of her friends, and she made sure she sat right beside me and she talked to me more than she did anyone else. She also kept touching me and looking at me. Im usually not nervous when its just an ordinary girl, but this one is different. Is this normal? She was on my mind all evening yesturday after i left. All i kept thinking about, is how wonderful a person she is and how beautiful she is. I want to play it right. Im really like her ALOT!! Im not sure what to do. I have had a few times in the past that a girl would liked me, but after talking to them once or twice, they changed there mind instanly. Should i call her tonight or should i wait a day or 2? Im not good at this type of thing. I have one friend of mine, that is not all that good looking. He has teeth missing and everything else, but he can sweet talk any girl he meets. He get all kinds of girls that are interested in him. I wish i had that touch. Im not the slightest bit ugly, but i lack that sweet talk that girls like. Should i just be myself? Should i tell her that i like her? She said she would love to go out this weekend, but she has to work. But she said she would try and find a way around it. Im inexperienced in this type of thing and need some input.
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