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My boyfriend is texting his ex

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My boyfriend and I have been together nearly a year and a half, have known each other for almost 2. We havent' really had issues in our relationship other than communicating effectively in the beginning...... in the beginning of the relationship I would look through his phone and saw he was texting his ex **** buddy who lived in detroit (we were in miami).... this continued on and off until last yr in november i confronted him about it and he was apologetic and told me he would stop. its now march i look through his phone again and see he is still texting this damn girl!!!!! mind you... this stupid girl not only lives in detroit (we have recently moved to dc... i moved for school and he came up here.... presumably to be with me?), she has a NEWBORN CHILD!!!! and she was texting him naked pictures of herself while pregnant. WTF.


I haven't confronted him about it again and I am sooooooo tempted to call this hoe and ask her wtf she is doing. I am also tempted to confront him again but I nkow that will make me look (even more) crazy and i dont want that to happen. What do you guys think ?!!

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Your bf isn't worth all this. He told you he was going to stop. Obviously he had no intention of any such thing. He doesn't care. :mad:


There isn't a scarcity of promiscuous women. Even if you chase away this one, he'll find another.


Save yourself and get out of the relationship.

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You asked him to stop, he didn't.


You are dating him. He should have without a doubt stopped the interaction (it shouldn't have happened to begin with!)


Time for his ass to hit the curb!


He'll do it again and again and if he isn't limiting himself now, he most certainly won't in the future. What a prick.

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You're only SANE option is to leave him. Come on, have some respect for yourself! How you could have allowed this behavior to persist w/o serious consequences is beyond me and most reasonable people.


Are you so desperate to have a man around, have the attention that you'd keep this guy around?


Focus on your degree, education and find someone who RESPECTS you!

Edited by soccerrprp
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You probably don't see it now, but your anger is misdirected. The only reason this ex of your boyfriend is still communicating with him inappropriately is because he does not have enough respect for you or the relationship you're in to put a stop to it. This girl, while she sounds (and I hate to sound judgmental, but...) like a real class act, has not been shown boundaries (by your boyfriend). Calling her will make you look crazy, but it will also speak loud and clear (to the both of them) that you have no respect for yourself. Leave him. He's not worth it; in fact, no guy is.

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