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i have broken my loves trust in me help me repair the pain that i have caused on her

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i have lied to my fiance a couple of times about the same thing. it deals with a co worker that does the most ideotic things. and my fiance has found out bout them. and she asked me bout them and i lied to her at first then she got very upset with me and told me that the marriage was off. but she thinks that things are goign on with me and this co-worker and i assure her time and time again that nothing will ever ever happen because i love her to much to screw it up. then it hit the fan again and she says she can never trust me again and she said that i have to work to gain her trust back. i have told her the truth about things that deal with work but she is sceptical about them and says she doesnt believe me. i want to save our future together. and not lie to her about anything. the only reason why i lied to her was to save her from hurting because i know how much she was hurt when it happened the first time. and then i lied to her and it hit the fan again. so no matter what i do i can i help rekindle the fire after it has burnt out. please help me

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What silly things did this coworker do that you lied about? Only when you fess up here can we really help. The details are important.


-- uriel

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