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if i leave

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hey all

i was wondering if i was to leave my husband that is both physically and mentally abusive would i be able to keep my son from him.. he has a very bad temperature and i really don't want him growing up with that anger .. all replys would be appreciated

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If you could show him to be danger to your son, you most certainly could.


You would likely need documented proof of abusive behavior (i.e. police reports, emergency room records, etc.) to establish this.

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Also, if he is abusive to you, that will not necessarily keep him from getting visitation to his son. If he has not shown harm to the son, he can still get visitation, albeit if you can prove a level of danger perhaps you can get it supervised for awhile. Get some legal advice before you do anything just yet. There are free legal aide people out there to help women just like you in these situations.


I knew a person who put his wife in the hospital twice with physical abuse and still got his kids every other weekend when she left him. Sounds crazy but he had never touched his kids so the courts didn't consider him a danger.

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