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Co-worker in a relationship?

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Hi all,


I would not go into many details... my feeling is that there was an instant attraction between me and a co-worker when we fist met not long ago. We started getting closer and hanging out together (texting, going out for launch, to the mall, spend a couple of weekends together with friends etc). No actual dates, but we were spending time together and learning about each other.


Understandably, I started getting more and more into this girl and eventually made it clear that she's more special to me. At this point, my behavior made her feel a bit uncomfortable. I decided (by following advice) to back off for a while and see how she is going to react.


It turns out that she has a boyfriend. I do not know almost anything about their relationship, maybe she is not loving him anymore. However, I never felt like such a fool before. My heart is saying that there is something special between us, but my mind is saying that she was probably just enjoying the flirt and me being her new buddy.


Why would she "use" me like that? Is it possible that she is actually interested in me? I did not want to make the story long, so I may answer any questions to make it more clear.


Thanks a lot!

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My "strategy" with ignoring her resulted in a text message that I received few days later. After talking/texting more these days she invited me to join her and her friends for climbing out of town fow one day this weekend. It is very likely that her boyfriend is also there. What the hell is she trying to achieve? May I now consider myself officially in the friends zone only?

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It's safe to assume that she thinks you're a cool guy and just wants to be friends. She could have an underlying attraction to you, but if her relationship is healthy and strong, she will try to repress any feelings for you. If that becomes too difficult, she might teu to distance herself from you. However, if her relationship is not going well, she may try to spend more time with you as a way to end her lousy relationship. If I were you, I'd just lay low and see what she does. Worse case scenario, you'll have another friend at work.

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