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Boyfriend is finally cutting ties with his ex

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I just wanted to share that my boyfriend is FINALLY getting his ex's stuff cleared out from storage (for those who haven't read my previous threads, they broke up two years ago and she moved to a different country, leaving a lot of her stuff in our country for my boyfriend to look after... and often pay for :rolleyes:).


This has been a big issue for us and we've had a few fights about it - in fact, it's the only thing we've really fought over. I wanted him to cut this tie with her sooner - not least because he needs the money - but he has been dragging his heels. His hand has now been forced because neither of them can afford to pay for it any more, so he is clearing it out tomorrow. Best of all, she isn't visiting so he'll have to do it on his own! :)


So he will be rescuing a few 'sentimental things' that she has requested (mostly presents he gave her :sick:) and giving the rest to charity. I'm really glad he won't have to pay for the storage any more and have this continued contact with her!


His idea was to store these things in his house until she visits our country, but I've told him it would be a better idea to mail it all to her. I don't want to give her an excuse to visit, and I don't want any continued ties. There are still lots of her things around his house and I think it's time they went... But I fear that's going to lead to another battle between me and him.


Meanwhile the craziness continues... She keeps posting private jokes on his Facebook wall and tagging ancient photos of him so that they show up as his most recent... It's a very irritating situation but at least the storage situation is getting sorted - one thing at a time!

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That's great that he's finally clearing up the storage unit. After two years, it's way overdue!


Curious why it causes big arguments between the two of you, though. I can certainly understand why you are angry (who wouldn't be?!) but why does he get mad when you bring it up? Also, how does he respond when his ex posts or tags things on Facebook?

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