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can anyone tell me anything about this site?


i posted a message yesterday here and i found the information to b very useful, who are you guys? do you just come on here and respond to situations or is this a profession for you? please answer back. i read through alot of the messages last night and wanted to respond to a few of them, ( i may be confussed in my situation because it is close to my heart). am alllowed to respond ?

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This is a forum, financed by advertising and managed by a group of well respected students of psychology, that is made available to all people of the world who have a computer and wish to contribute.


There are only a few terms you agree to in order to use the site and, by being this far, you have clicked that you agreed to them.


Most of the people who post here are not professionals. Many people read the posts often and make no contribution. They read for entertainment and to gain knowledge. Others post regularly because they enjoy doing so and have a desire to help people. Some post only once. But the advice people post comes from their heart, from personal experiences, or just from their own common sense.


And, WOW, YES, ABSOLUTELY, you are not only very welcome to respond to any post...but you are highly encouraged to do so. No matter what your advice or opinion is, it would be highly appreciated by the person who posts the problem. It is up to them to decide if some or all of your advice might be good for them to follow.


So visit here often and feel free to answer any or all of the posts. You are welcome here as often as you desire to stop by.

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Welcome Kimmi,


I, too, am new to this site. I really enjoy reading the posts from people of all types. Occasionally, I get the urge to respond to a post. When you get that urge - just jump in! It's open to everyone.

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Welcome Kimmi, I, too, am new to this site. I really enjoy reading the posts from people of all types. Occasionally, I get the urge to respond to a post. When you get that urge - just jump in! It's open to everyone.

i think that it is so cool!! when you are involed with your involved with your own problem it is hard to see what to do however when it is someone else you can see. i like to put in my input.


thank you kimmi

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Yes, it is an interesting human trait that we can figure out the solutions to other people's problems and sometimes not our own. We are just so emotionally involved in our own problems that we are whirled into spirals of obsession and fear.


But some kind soul will come along and with the clean thrust of a sensible solution and not only does it help us out of the problem, but it also makes us feel better than someone else out there cares, understands, and is willing to share their experience.

i think that it is so cool!! when you are involed with your involved with your own problem it is hard to see what to do however when it is someone else you can see. i like to put in my input. thank you kimmi
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