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Anybody Know?

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Wild Flowers

I am just confused and need some advice or inight. A couple weeks ago me and my boyfriend had an arguement at a local pub. There was a girl there that is a regular. She goes there with one of her guy friends. She had seen me and my boyfriend arguing and my boyfriend said to me "I'm breaking up with you". He didn't really break up with me we are still together.


Anyways a few days later my boyfriend goes to the bar and he is sitting talking with a guy. That girl is there again with her guy friend. She is all over the guy friend, but then she proceeds to sit next to my man, and ask him if we are still together? My boyfriend said that he does not want to talk about me. He told me that she was wearing a low cut top, and following him everywhere he moved, or sit. He then told me that she asked him if he wanted to go to the strip joint.


I think that she is jealous of me and that she is a slut. That guy friend she has is married.


I'm confused. What does this mean. She does not know if I am still with my boyfriend, and she is asking him to go to a strip joint, and she followed him around. Why would she ask him that? I heard that she is afraid of me because she knows that I can fight. I don't understand what it really means, and this has got me wondering. My boyfriend made it clear to me that he is not interested in her. He even called me while he was at the pub and told me what he was doing and when he was leaving. Any insight would help, otherwise I will be just left confused.

Edited by Wild Flowers
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Honestly, just ignore chicks like that. They are just insecure people who need to go after other people's men because they have no confidence in themselves to go after single guys. They go after guys who are taken, since they set themselves up for rejection and self-pity.


Plus, if you trust your man, you have nothing to worry about.

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... She had seen me and my boyfriend arguing and my boyfriend said to me "I'm breaking up with you". He didn't really break up with me we are still together.


Anyways a few days later my boyfriend goes to the bar and he is sitting talking with a guy. That girl is there again with her guy friend. She is all over the guy friend, but then she proceeds to sit next to my man, and ask him if we are still together? My boyfriend said that he does not want to talk about me. He told me that she was wearing a low cut top, and following him everywhere he moved, or sit. He then told me that she asked him if he wanted to go to the strip joint.


I think that she is jealous of me and that she is a slut. That guy friend she has is married.


I'm confused. What does this mean. She does not know if I am still with my boyfriend, and she is asking him to go to a strip joint, and she followed him around. Why would she ask him that? I heard that she is afraid of me because she knows that I can fight. I don't understand what it really means, and this has got me wondering. My boyfriend made it clear to me that he is not interested in her. He even called me while he was at the pub and told me what he was doing and when he was leaving. Any insight would help, otherwise I will be just left confused.


Actually, the real issue is not this woman, but you're boyfriend who has given the public appearance that he is unattached and available. Focus on that instead of contemplating catfights with this woman. She's irrelevant in all of this. Rest assured that even if you go out and beat her to a pulp, your boyfriend will find someone else to get you riled up and jealous again.

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Actually, the real issue is not this woman, but you're boyfriend who has given the public appearance that he is unattached and available. Focus on that instead of contemplating catfights with this woman. She's irrelevant in all of this. Rest assured that even if you go out and beat her to a pulp, your boyfriend will find someone else to get you riled up and jealous again.
Wild Flowers, listen to this advice. If a guy's deliberately trying to evoke jealousy and didn't shut her down with the information that he's attached, you've got worse issues than the girl.


Either address the issue with your b/f or walk. He's the problem.

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