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Will I ever be able to PLEASE my own mother?! . . What about myself?! ..


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I'm looking for a job currently still. And I have been for quite awhile, though the last interview I had some-what discouraged me. I got back on my feet a week or two later. Well . . I am going to start applying for jobs tomorrow & my mother blew up at me today. The whole scenerio is she wants to be able to look at what jobs I apply for, & when I do allow her to do so . . She criticizes them. I feel like she is running my life, no matter what I do it is never good enough for her. She yelled at me today & said "I'm sick of supporting you.." & I'm the one who keeps giving her my OWN money so she can put gas in the car, & she still hasn't paid me back. And she thinks I do nothing around the house, yet I do dishes for her, I clean the entire house. I feel like . . My own life is not in my own hands, I feel she is controlling everything about me.. And if I do apply for jobs that I WANT she just criticizes everything about it, it's like she expects me to apply for jobs that SHE wants. I feel like I have to do everything she wants, not what I want. I'm so sick of it. She criticizes my character, she says I'm worthless, & if I do fail & say a job doesn't work out she says "You can't do anything right."


I feel like my self-esteem is so low because I don't have support around my own house-hold, they don't support me. Between my sister & my mom I'm beginning to question who is more hard on me. I go to job interviews not having any type of confidence because my mom will yell at me before I step into the building. I need advice, I feel so lost.. I feel like no matter what I do I will fail. My mom told me today that I'm a baby.. It's just like.. Will I ever be able to impress her? And you can't talk to my mom either, she believes she is always right.. What do I do? I feel like my own life is not in my hands anymore, I feel so lost! . .

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Here's what you do:


Focus on getting that job. Go for as many interviews as you can. Pour all your energy into doing that. Don't involve your family in it at all. When they want to interfere, tell them it's none of their business (which it isn't). When you get the job (and you WILL), find a place of your own. Your home environment doesn't sound healthy.


Three women in a household? Hot damn! That gives me the heeby jeebies. I'd get out soon as possible, and finding a job is the key.

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You need tp get out of that house ASAP....if moving in with a friendor another family member is not an option, I'd agree with papillion and say you need to focus on getting that job, or any jobfor that matter so you can move out, then when you are out on your own you can focus on the job of your dreams.


I have a friend whose mom was pretty much exactly the same eay and her father was worse...she stuck it out with them through college but now she's out on her own and it's the best thing she's ever done for herself. the people you live with have a huge effect on your self esteem and ou need to get rid of them or suppound youself with better people...

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