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Constant worrying he will leave me for someone better

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After many years of dating lemons, I have found a guy who is wonderful in every sense of the word. Everything is great between us: the conversations, the chemistry, the sex. Problem is, I always have a recurring worry that he will leave me for someone better; that usually has been the situation in my past relationships.


I am good looking and I take care of myself, and he assures me he cares about me and won't ever cheat on me, but this constant worrying controls me so much that I'm miserable over it. Someone please help me...I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks! :(

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Don't fullfil your own phropecy.


You have baggage from past relationships, we ALL have baggage. It is how YOU choose to deal with it that is going to make a difference.


I know when you've been so hurt it is hard to trust another, but it isn't fair to make someone else pay for past wrongs done to you by someone else.


Have confidence in yourself here. Obviously he already thinks your wonderful or he wouldn't be there, so stop essentially telling him that you are afraid he is going to find out that you're not and leave you.

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Don't do this to yourself! You're going to ruin a great relationship with your insecurity if you aren't careful.


Believe me, it's ok at first, but being the partner of an overlly suspicious and insecure person is so draining mentally, emotionally and physically- take it from someone who is there.


If you know in your heart of hearts that he is a good guy and he loves you then let it go! Believe me- your fear won't stop him from cheating on you if that's his intention to begin with. If he's going to do it- he'll do it whether you are insecure or not.


But by being insecure when there is no reason to be (when he is genuinely in love with you and doesn't want anyone else..) all you're doing is pushing him further away with your constant fear and emotional distress.


You said yourself is a great guy- learn to believe that.

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You said it yourself, all the other times you have dated lemons, this time it is different!


If everything is great you should not worry about him leaving you. Focus on all the great things you are living with him now, not the bad experiences you have had with other men in the past!


Enjoy being with him. Why worry about something that has not even happen.

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Grinning Maniac
Originally posted by jimmy

Get a whole lot of hot babe friends around, strip and bang each other. a bit of anal helps too


This is the best reply to this thread yet. CLEARLY.


*buys jimmy a beer*


Mercedes, I know this is easier said than done, but just try your best to remember that this guy is NOT any of your exes.

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Originally posted by jimmy

Get a whole lot of hot babe friends around, strip and bang each other. a bit of anal helps too



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Don't treat this "wonderful guy" like a lemon and he won't become one. In other words don't worship him but treat him as equal. After all the best relationships are partnerships. You are lucky to have each other.

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