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Did I over react?

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My now ex took issue with some of the things I did in the relationship. in short I got a bi jealous about some things he said and did which I thought were inappropriate.


1. Constant referring to exes in the early stages. E.g. telling me of an ex gf and loads of other dates on our first date. when we went somewhere he revealed he'd taken an ex there.


2. Made an inappropriate comment about how close I wax my bikini line and told me none of his exes did so why did I.


3. On several occasions he was unable to call me when he said he would in the early stages of out relationship. He was sitting out in a hotel bar with a female friend from his gym until 3am on a work night when he was supposed to call me at 10 pm. he then said its so hard for them to stop talking when they start. on another day when we had plans the next dayand had not conformed a time to meet...he was supposed to call at 10pm and woke me up at 2:40am to.confirm, telling me he had been out with female friend listening yo all her heAlth problems. he wad genuinely surprised that I was pi$$ed about it and instead was surprised at me being upset.


4. Told me about a really expensive place he went to as a treat of his ex..... I got mad at him and he didn't tell me until later that the tickets were free ss she worked there.


5. Frequently unable to call when he said he would as female friends with crisis' kept calling really late at night.


Was I being unreasonable to be upset? He ended up mad at me for having a problem with it....

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I highly doubt this girl was a female "friend."


Weirdly she was. she was over 50 and married. which made ir.weirder.


He was.35.

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Weirdly she was. she was over 50 and married. which made ir.weirder.


He was.35.


Oh so because she was 50 and married that rules all other possibilities out?


He was being inappropriate, I would end the relationship if treated in that way.

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Oh so because she was 50 and married that rules all other possibilities out?


He was being inappropriate, I would end the relationship if treated in that way.


see I put up with it...he didn't understand why I was pissed and in the end he called it off.

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He's very "friendly". No, you didn't overreact; most women would be pissed off at this, especially chatting until the wee hours with other women and not calling when (or even near) he said he would. Calling at 2:40am suggests a booty call.

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I don't know what was wrong with the pair of them....some if the time it was her and her husband together sitting out until the wee hours. Didn't they have homes and jobs?

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My now ex took issue with some of the things I did in the relationship. in short I got a bi jealous about some things he said and did which I thought were inappropriate.


1. Constant referring to exes in the early stages. E.g. telling me of an ex gf and loads of other dates on our first date. when we went somewhere he revealed he'd taken an ex there.


Why in the hell would he even bring them up? Ya, thats what everyone wants to hear, "I brought an X here one time". Why the F would we care?



2. Made an inappropriate comment about how close I wax my bikini line and told me none of his exes did so why did I.


Because you are NOT his X's. That should have been your answer to him.



3. On several occasions he was unable to call me when he said he would in the early stages of out relationship. He was sitting out in a hotel bar with a female friend from his gym until 3am





on a work night when he was supposed to call me at 10 pm. he then said its so hard for them to stop talking when they start.





5. Frequently unable to call when he said he would as female friends with crisis' kept calling really late at night.


Was I being unreasonable to be upset? He ended up mad at me for having a problem with it....


No, you were not unreasonable. Only reason he didn't call you when out with female "friends" is because he was having too much fun with them.


And he didn't call you because he was too busy giving time to a female "friend" in crisis?


Its only an assumption, but my guess is he is a cheater. In any case, you are playing 2nd fiddle to female "friends".


By being your X, you dodged a bullet. Let him disrespect other women.

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he must've been dropped at birth or something...of course he's going to have a problem but hey, what do you expect from sleazy grease balls like him. He's some piece of work to compare you to his ex's. Dump his ass before you become his next victim;)

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