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Is it love or am i jelous? Please Help

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[font=arial][/font][color=violet][/color]I need advice!!!!!I been seeing this one guy for a year and we broke up a month ago. He just recently started going out with another girl and i feel hurt. I thought i was over him. Do you think it is that i still love him..or if its just jelousy? I Think i really do love him but im not sure if its just that or if im jelous..and if it is jelousy what can i do to stop it?

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I think it could be a bit of both. :confused: You probably still have feelings for him especially if you didn't really want the relationship to end. Seeing him with someone else is going to hurt and knowing that he may be doing things with her that he did with you, that could be tough to deal with.


On the other hand if you wanted the relationship to end and you were okay with the break-up it could be just jealousy, maybe you feel annoyed at the fact that he's moved on so quickly and seeing that he could be feeling something for someone else so quick because the two of you broke up after a whole year of dating.



What about you, have you moved on? Are you seeing someone else?

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