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Hi I am confused beyond comprehension right now. I am at college right now and I met this girl who was my friends roomate. We made friends quick and decided to watch a movie as big group of friends. We were on the top bunk and the rest were on the futan sofa. We were holding eachother and then out of nowhere we kissed.


After the movie she left only to come back later and we laid together and started to kiss and makeout. Later the next day we met in her room before class and kissed some more. I have mixed feelings I don't mind that we did it. But the problem is she is confused about another guy that says he likes her. I don't mind but I am kinda beginning to like her. What would be a good course of action she doesn't want to date right now but i want to be there when she does.


What should I do.

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if she is confused about another guy that likes her is because she likes him also, i mean someone can like you and doesn't mean you like them back, right??

my advice to you is take a step back, let her come to you, she was clear that she is confused and that she is not ready to date, i guess she's trying to figure out who she REALLY likes, don't get your hopes up too much keep your distance and guard your heart and don't limit yourself to this girl, just be friends, get to know her better,remember she is confused the stronger you come the less chances you have!!

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