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What does it mean when a guy is rubbing his...!


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I can sense sarcasm without touching a one foot pole with it.

It wasn't mean sarcasm, just kind of a knowing chuckle. And you're welcome for not taking off with the "one foot pole" comment.


He doesn't wank over me, now that is just disgusting. How many babies have died over me? Eww...

Uh... you do know they're not actually babies, right? And that if he doesn't ejaculate, the individual cells eventually die and get replenished continuously inside a man's body anyway, right?


Wait. I am serious. Could he really wank over me?


(1) Is he a male human being?

(2) Age over 13 or so?

(3) Does you have any reason to believe he might find you attractive?

(4) Is he getting sex anywhere else?


If you answered "yes" to one or more of the questions above, you may have found your answer.

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Oh. That isn't good. I don't want him to be sexually attracted to me. Alas, it means only lust is present, and not something more serious. I want something more like love, I guess, but that is a huge investment. I wouldn't be flattered if he wanks over me. Now that is just disgusting. I hope he was checking out how pretty I looked, and not mentally undressing me with his mind or having dirty thoughts. My friend told me "It was that look. Like he wanted to ask you out badly." - What kind of look is it then?

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I wasn't wearing anything provocative either - dress shirt, sneakers, tie and slacks. Kind of masculine, but I had my long hair down.

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How many babies have died over me? Eww...


Now in your life would be a good time to get over this sentiment, the truth is much, much more..em... "fertile" than you could even imagine. Try to be flattered by the thought. Better to be thought of than not thought of, right?

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Now in your life would be a good time to get over this sentiment, the truth is much, much more..em... "fertile" than you could even imagine. Try to be flattered by the thought. Better to be thought of than not thought of, right?


What do you mean by more 'fertile'? I don't care, give me the substance of the nightmares! That is how curious I can be.

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Um, he wasn't wanking. He wasn't sweating or moaning or *shivers*. I saw him actually stroking his leg, guys. He is so quiet and innocent. I doubt he wanks over me.



Of course he does! He's into you babe if that's what youre trying to ask and he wants you to stoke his leg for him.:bunny:

Maybe try asking him out and cut to the chase :)



This thread totally wins the make Archgirl-laugh-her-ass-off prize for today. Possibly this month :lmao:

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I can sense sarcasm without touching a one foot pole with it. He doesn't wank over me, now that is just disgusting. How many babies have died over me? Eww...


Somewhere around zero.

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Should I ask him out right away or get to know him better? We are both shy and reluctant to talk to each other. Also, his friends hang around him 24/7, and he acts differently around them. How should I talk to him? We have been in the same A-level class for 3 years. I want to say this to him after school. "*Name*, can I please tell you something?". If he gives a positive response with no one around, I might flirt a bit and say "I want to let you know your smile brightens up my day." and if he gives me another positive response, I will confess. Is this ok or should I get to know him and talk to.him for a month first before confessing?

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It happened to me a few times in college.


Somtimes your third leg rests upon your other two just the right way...then the rest takes care of itself.



Oh yes..

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Hi vegan,


I purposely re-joined this forum after reading your thread because I see a huge problem ahead of you, because the exact same thing that's happening to you had happened to me while I was in university. Now I'm letting you know my outcome so you can save some heartache and stress and not waste your valuable time, energy, effort and money on that piece of sleeze that's in your class.


Trust me, that guy is just horny and doesn't see a future with you. When I was 22 years old in university, I was a really hot chick and lot of guys paid attention to me. Then this seemingly quiet, shy, socially awkward classmate of mine did the same thing your classmate did- He'd secretly stare at me and gave off hints that he wanted to start something.


At the time I was naive about love, so I gave him a chance. We dated for about a year, and it seemed like he told another male classmate about me. It seemed like he was really into me because of my looks. However, when it came time to graduate, he moved off to Japan and didn't bother to keep up with our relationship. Since I had emotionally invested myself in him, I was totally devastated and soon later found out that he had used the "shy guy" approach to sleep around with other women. The reason why other guys don't tell you what's really going on in his head is because they know that guy's just horny and don't want to cock block.


Basically there's an unwritten guy rule among perverted immoral guys: "Guys don't stop other guys from getting a piece of ass." Which is exactly why NONE of the male posters in this thread bother to really let you know what's going on with your situation.


Sorry vegan (actually you'll thank me later), but that guy's never going to be serious about you. You're just a temporary piece of good ass he can munch on and get rid of when he feels like it.


The type of guy who truly loves you will approach you not in a lustful, deceiving, think-you're-a-bimbo manner. The right man will dedicate his whole life to pleasing you.


Is there a man you deeply admire in your life? Someone you strive to be like? Most likely that man is your real soul mate and love. When you fantasize about this man, it will be off-the-wall explosive. Deep, passionate, intense. You will want his baby right away, and he will want to start a family with you immediately without wait.

Edited by lovelyde
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Wow, I am really sorry that this has happened to you. It seems unfair that a decebt girl like you would be used by some stupid fck, who only cared about satisfying his...needs. Thanks for telling me about this, and I really appreciate you rejoining this forum just to tell me this. Now I am not saying I don't believe you, but that guy I like, he never talks to any girls, never flirts or stares at any of them. I've seen the way he acts towards girls, he would ignore them, and reply something mean and sarcastic. I have personally never seen him flirt with other girls, and I know this because he is in all of my A-level classes. In class, when I turned around, he always looked away, but he never stared at another girl. At lunch, he seemed to always be in deep conversation with his friends. I never saw him look at another girl, and my friends that sit across from him stated he never did too. This other girl joined his 'all boys' group and started flirting with them there. He never gave her a second glance and sat down when he finished talking to his mates. The strange thing is, I have always seen him with boys, but never girls. And all his friends are super nice to me. He is an honor student, dux, and the smartest student in the whole school, and he is rather dashing and reminds me of a Korean celebrity. So, with these things in thoughts, does it change your mind :) ?

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Also, lovelyde, we are both 16, turning 17. I am a virgin and I am more than 100% sure he is a virgin too. We have liked each other for 3 years, and the first time we met, he did talk and flirt with me, which is quite unusual as his BFF (as you expected, a guy) stated he never talked to girls. My crush also sat next to me andmade attempts to be with me, but I rejected him badly since I did not like him back at that time. After a while, I knew I was too caught up in my studies to notice anyone and resulted me to isolation. When I gave him a second glance, I noticed how handsome he really was, and how he always gets the top marks in class. That was when I started to stare at him and wrote him a love letter. He seemed surprised and flattered. We then shyly began to get closer to each other, but then, some btch told be that he called be a c*nt on the bus, so I wrote him a hate mail. He seemed fairly hurt, because in fact, he never did. I apologised to him, but he seemed quite hurt and sad. He did say "That's ok." though. After that, I wrote him another hate mail, which was even worse and hurtful than the last one, stating that he was an ugly mofo and how I hated him and if he did not believe this, that he should go to hell. And everything stopped there, the courtship and everything. We did manage to forgive each other again when his friend that introduced me to him returned to school, who always gave him the courage to approache. We started flirting again, and he always seemed eager to join into his friend's and my conversation, but after his friend got expelled, he never talked to me again. After that,I started hurting him just for the heck of it, and I loved seeing how jealous he got when I talked to other guys. He was usually an expressionless and emotionless guy, but I loved seeing his face getting all red when I gave other guys attention. I also blocked him on Facebook, which led to him permanently deactivating his account. I have done more and worse, but I realised that I was wrong. And this is why he does not approach me today; because I had not regained his trust completely. If I did, I would kiss all those hurt away and do anything for him to release his anguish. By the way, I already want to hold his babies already *fangirl cries*. They would be really smart. I am hoping to be an airline pilot student and he wants to be an engineer.

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Also, I did not see him checking me out. My friends did. I think he is doing it secretly, which is quite respectful, I think. He started from my face (at least not my @ss or breasts) to the rest of my body, as informed by my friends that walked behind me. He never looked at them.

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Oh. That isn't good. I don't want him to be sexually attracted to me. Alas, it means only lust is present, and not something more serious. I want something more like love, I guess, but that is a huge investment. I wouldn't be flattered if he wanks over me. Now that is just disgusting. I hope he was checking out how pretty I looked, and not mentally undressing me with his mind or having dirty thoughts. My friend told me "It was that look. Like he wanted to ask you out badly." - What kind of look is it then?


Well, it doesn't mean he wouldn't want something more serious.. Does the sexual connection have to be half-assed and restrained just because you both want something more "serious"?


I have no idea what sort of look that is, I don't think I have a look for that sort of desire, although I've never looked at someone I found attractive with a special "want to ask out so bad" look.. I look at them like anyone else, really, because I don't know them or who they are.


Doesn't mean ****, honestly, even if he was lusting for you. It just means he's physically attracted to you, even males with good character can get a little horny from time to time.. I mean, how can you be serious with a total stranger? He'd have to get to know you.


Even if you two somehow exchanged numbers and spent time together outside of class and ended up banging each other, if he's a serious minded guy, that wouldn't change the dynamic of what you'd have in a negative way, he wouldn't just go "meh, got what I wanted, good bye!"

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Even if you two somehow exchanged numbers and spent time together outside of class and ended up banging each other, if he's a serious minded guy, that wouldn't change the dynamic of what you'd have in a negative way, he wouldn't just go "meh, got what I wanted, good bye!"

Um, we are both 16 and definately too young to bang each other, and he comes from a strict family background, being a scholar. I don't think we are both that lust-driven, and we can make decisions for ourselves. I also don't think he'll pressure me intp...that. Also, I highly doubt that he wants to bang me anyway.


Also, I highly doubt he has any access to contraceptions, he is a shy and timid guy, the thought of it might make him blush. He will not buy that, or neither will his parents possess that. I might end up getting knocked up with a miniature-him and get my ass kicked HFIL out. His parents might kick him out too and we will most probably end up on the dumps or streets. How can I be a pilot then? Who would pay for the financial support and drive me to the top flying school? I don't want to be stuck with a horny guy and one helluva creepy kid. What about his engineering dream? Well at least we can do maths homework together. Anyway, it is a big nightmare and I am not gonna risk. I may even get an abortion and not tell him or something. But I honestly can't say when hormones gets the better of us. Let's say, he is not the only one with naughty thoughts too ;)

Edited by veganpilot
He is also really serious and loyal, as you mentioned.
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He is also learning to drive, and we don't have a job. Even if we get to hire some place, I cannot cook. Hear me? We might end up eating raw cabbage or broccolli for dinner, and if we are lucky, [vegan] instant noodles...FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES!

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I don't know what the cultural equivalent would be but I think gently asking him out to something low key might be a good way to find out once and for all if he's keen.

Why not ask if he wants to study together at the library one weekend? would that work?

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I like it! Very subtle. But should I get to know him more first or.should I ask him out right away?

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Guys, please help. Today when I moved to sit near him, he moved away. Why is that? He is one crazy mofo >:(

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But I don't stalk him. In fact, I avoid him. He may be what? If he does like me, why did he move away? I didn't try to do anything at all.

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I moved one seat aside from him, but there was an empty seat next to him. He moved away after 5 minutes? I did not sit next to him. Please help, I am confused. Should I ignore him, avoid him at all cost and permanently move to the furtherest corner of the room away from him? Should I glare back if he DARES stare at me again? I bet tomorrow, there will be a thread about him rejecting me, trust me.

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Um, we are both 16 and definately too young to bang each other, and he comes from a strict family background, being a scholar. I don't think we are both that lust-driven, and we can make decisions for ourselves. I also don't think he'll pressure me intp...that. Also, I highly doubt that he wants to bang me anyway.


Also, I highly doubt he has any access to contraceptions, he is a shy and timid guy, the thought of it might make him blush. He will not buy that, or neither will his parents possess that. I might end up getting knocked up with a miniature-him and get my ass kicked HFIL out. His parents might kick him out too and we will most probably end up on the dumps or streets. How can I be a pilot then? Who would pay for the financial support and drive me to the top flying school? I don't want to be stuck with a horny guy and one helluva creepy kid. What about his engineering dream? Well at least we can do maths homework together. Anyway, it is a big nightmare and I am not gonna risk. I may even get an abortion and not tell him or something. But I honestly can't say when hormones gets the better of us. Let's say, he is not the only one with naughty thoughts too ;)


Everyone has access to contraception. You just go to the store and buy it. Don't have sex when you're not ready, but when you do, realise that you can do it safe without much hassle.

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