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Passing the time strategies/saying goodbye

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Hi all,

My boyfriend is leaving to do a course in Italy for two months. I am then meeting him over there for a holiday afterwards.

We have to say goodbye in a week and the longest we've ever been apart it a little over a week. I'm so nervous and I can't get it off of my mind. I really don't want to cry when he goes and I'm so worried about being without him as I'll be lonely.

Should I make a countdown until we get to see each other? Will it be weird when we reunite even though we've been together for over a year?

How can I pass the time?


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Two months is nothing... time will fly just picking a hotel for your stay, looking at restaurants where to go eat lunches and dinners, arranging something fun for you two while there... What city would you be in? You could arrange something unexpected for him...

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