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Help me define "Flirt"

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I've checked dictionary.com for the definition of "flirt" which means to make playfully romantic or sexual overtures.


However, I think I'm confused with the meaning of flirt. I have my own definition too. "A person of a gender who enjoys the accompaniment/fooling around/teasing of several people of the other gender." How does my definition fare?


Could anyone clarify me if I'm wrong and state the LIGHTEST form of flirting.

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I'll appreciate your advices greatly because I have problem with myself, getting jealous too easily when I saw flirts enjoying themselves. But I don't wanna flirt because I think it's bad and cheapening. Am I right?

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We all have our own standards and perceptions when it comes to these things but flirting is not really a bad thing. Actually both definitions you stated would work for flirting, but don't think of it as a bad thing. Not all "flirtation" (I'm not even sure if that's a word or not) has to do with sexual, romantic motives. It's really just another form of communication. Because based upon a persons point of view, laughing and joking with someone could be considered flirting. It would be harmless of course, not meaning anything. Some people do it in order to get with someone, others do it cause it's something that just comes naturally sometimes without even thinking about it.

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1) playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest

2) a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men

3) talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women"

4)behave carelessly or indifferently; "Play about with a young girl's affection"

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