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How long to wait for a reply

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I sent a job applications on Tuesday, I'm thinking of calling/following up. What is a good time span to wait to do so? IS it good to do so?

I also replied to a job posting on craigslist for a job with a company I'm familiar with. They don't have a phone number listed on their site, i'm considering emailing my resume to the chief of operations and design(if it got lost in the craigslist shuffle). Is that too much?


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The norm for waiting for a follow-up is one week.

As for your other question, unfortunately, big companies do not allow their executives to hire and fire, just to be in on the hiring process. They probably have a Human Resources office for that so he may not be of any assistance. Try to send it through them and if you do not hear anything, send it in two weeks to the Executive.


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