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Why am I so numb

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I have been divorced for 4 years. I've dated (alot) I now feel like I'm numb to what they tell me. I've a two relationships since my divorce. And yes I got my heart broken from each. I have several guys that want to date me but I feel like anything that comes out of their mouths is something I've heard before. Please help.

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I wish I knew what to tell you other then trying to leave the past in the past and taking each day and each guy anew. They're such broad statements but It's the only way to feel again. Maybe give meditation a try and work through the block, It's a block, It's not that you're incapable of feeling It's that you don't let yourself.


I've been where you're at.

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Have to agree with iKing. It seems as though you're at a point where you expect to be heartbroken so instead of opening yourself up to someone you are choosing to shut down, hence that "numb" feeling. The problem is you can't select your emotions - you can't simultaneously make choices to avoid all the negative emotions (heartbreak, rejection, sadness, anger etc.) and hope to feel the positive emotions as well (joy, creativity, happiness etc.).


If you continue to try to avoid negative emotions you will remain numb. The goal should not be "to be happy". Instead, the goal should be to live a full, rich life and that includes both positive and negative emotions. You have gone through a lot of heartbreak - but guess what? You survived. If your heart gets broken, you will survive again.


Take the risk. Be vulnerable. Life is too short to not love or be loved.

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