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Cardio is boring. However, with the right music and mental imagery, it can be tolerable, if not enjoyable.


Two weeks ago I watched the film "In Time". Very interesting premise IMO. Essentially, time is currency. Everyone is born genetically engineered to live forever. The catch? Once you turn twenty-five, a one-year clock embedded in your arm begins running. You can earn more time the same ways you can earn money. If your clock expires, you die.


Partial Spoiler Warning!

There is a scene in which a character had been planning to take the bus to get across town. However, the price raised from one-hour to two. The character only had about ninety-minutes on their clock, and had to travel a distance of a "two-hour walk". Using treadmill logic, that breaks down to roughly 6-7 miles in ninety minutes.


Based on yesterday's workout, I would still die. My goal is to be able to make that trip by the start of June.


Anyone else have any mental images that help push them thru? Not counting the attractive person working out right in-front of them in spandex tights?

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I don't know about mental imaging, but in my more stupid days a few years ago I ran 5 miles midday in the summer (98 degrees out or something like that). As I neared the last little stretch I started to get hallucinations of District 9 (which I saw in theaters a few days earlier). I'm pretty sure I almost died.


So, mental imaging is probably better than hallucinations.

Edited by fortyninethousand322
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Its not imagery, but for running...when I am running as fast as I can handle and I am starting to loose it, I speed up by 5mph or more and try to hold that as long as possible. A calm usually comes over me, I smooth out and even breath better for a bit. Usually @ a 1/4 mile before I loose it, then I slow down to where I was and that speed feels slow and easy for a while.

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