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Paulie, Tony - - What was the post "The Problem"?


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Hi Tony and Paulie,


A very hectic week kept me from checking into the shack. Below, quite a few posts down, you've both been left dangling with your responses to a post called "The Problem" and your dicussion has me hooked, wondering what the post-er asked that drew advice re. barfing and women... it's got to be interesting.


Would you fill me in? I'm just dying of curiosity.




Have a great weekend!



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A high school kid wrote in, saying that he vomits whenever he gets around an attractive girl. He asked us how to stop this. We replied, and he retracted the post.


Hope you have a good weekend too, Taressa!

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Below is a copy of the original post, as taken from one of the answers that was left dangling. I don't think a junior in high school would have put in a password to remove it and the LoveShack Admin would have removed all related posts if they had deemed necessary.


Therefore, I think it was perhaps some kind of joke, although it remotely seems possible. That someone would throw up when being around a girl is pretty bizarre. It was vague to me whether he throws up when he is ready to have sex, he sort of implies that, because he says later he's not so nervous around girls. Also, high shool juniors are normally around 16 and he said this problem has been happening for about three years...so that would have put him at around 13. It is extremely rare for a 13 year old to have such psychosomatic reactions. But, anything is possible in this world.


"I'm a junior in high school and when I get

around a girl that I like, and an intimate situation arises, I always get sick to my stomach and throw up. This has been occurring for about three years. Is there anything I can do so I?m not so nervous around girls? It's not like I'm afraid of them or anything I just get sick and have to throw up because I get too excited."
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Hmmm. Never boring around here, is it?


Thank you both for filling me in. Tony (Sherlock), I suspect you may be right in your suspicion. If true, I hope the fellow can find a nice lady to befriend who can calm down this unusual reaction.


I've always heard the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... but...

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I've always heard the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... but...

If you think the way to a man's heart is through his


stomach, you're aiming too high!


hehehe :) just kidding

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