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Family is love not blood


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My girlfriend is torn apart between me and keeping her family together. She had been in an abusive relationship with two children. Now I'm with her and her little girl. She grew up the same way , her Mom has endured physical and mental pain. But I told her were you better off cause your Mom stayed.My girlfriend is very bitter toward her Father. My girlfriend is now contemplating going back with her ex-boyfriend out of guilt.

Am I being selfish cause I know I could provide a better foundation for her children.My girlfriends mother says she's a bad Mother and her own happiness does not matter.


My Mother left her 1st marriage because she was in an abusive marriage. I have a stepfather and he loved me and I feel like my family turned out better than if my Mother stayed in her first marriage.


What should I do?

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:confused: Your girlfriend was abused and is now in a relationship with you but is considering returning to her abuser out of "guilt" ???


To begin here, it is odd for general purposes that your girlfriend is discussing with YOU leaving you and returning to her abuser, I mean is she looking for your approval, your understanding in this?


Secondly, it is odd that her mother is telling her she is a bad mother if she doesn't return to her abuser, wtf is that about? Why would her mom who has suffered abuse herself feel it would be better for her own daughter to put herself as well as her children in harms way just so she can "keep her family together" see I really question HER mothers ability to make a good decision herself and putting your child at risk for abuse? To encourage it? Well it doesn't exactly make HER mom mother of the year to suggest it.


You are NOT being selfish here. Jeez if anything you sound like a really great guy who loves your girl and her kiddos a lot and want what is best for them.

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