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Is this inappropriate? Feel like breaking it off.

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As women, we KNOW when things are off.


We know when the situation is making us uncomfortable.


You should never feel like second best to a guy. My guy likes to check out hot women, he has talked to me about how feels about it, but you know.. I always feel like the only women he truly pays attention to.


Checking girls out should only be a passing glance; not actively engaging in conversation or eye contact with a women you have chemistry with or are attracted to (if your a guy and are on a DATE!)


Even when in love, there are going to be girls that dudes have chemistry with. It is human nature. The test to see if a guy is really in love with you, or interested in getting to know you in the early stages, is; how does he go about situations where he is attracted to another women?


In my partners case, he shuts himself off to them and, while friendly (as he is to everyone), he just naturally walks away and minimizes contact. Why be around another person that will illicit strong sexual feelings from you? You can't act on it, so what is a guys motivation for staying around a person who he has chemistry with?


If he was really into you, he would not have acted like this..


What really bugs me, is how you do not feel like you can talk to him about issues that you feel uncomfortable with.


My boyfriend, and I am sure other guys, do not necessarily enjoy talking about issues/feelings/things to do with the relationship. Some guys are not talkers in this regard.


If a guy is really invested in getting to know you though, he should push past the fact he does not like talking about such issues, and talk things through with you in order to, well... Make YOU feel happy.


Truly happy relationships, in my opinion, depend heavily on making small sacrifices for the other person, for example; talking about issues when they arise for the sake of the relationship, EVEN when the guy HATES talking about that sort of thing!


I am SO glad you left this guy! He is a moron for having nothing better to do in his life than date girls he is not even into, probably for the sake of sex and/or not being lonely.


What a loser.

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All he needed to do is ignore her and look away from her. Pretty simple...RUN and please don't look back.


Men are perfectly capable of curbing their desire to check out other women if they are with somebody. My ex-husband (and best friend) never obviously checked out other women in my presence and he has plenty of testosterone.


What happened was emotional abuse and a big red flag.

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