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give me some advices on how to get this guy! plzzzz i love him

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hey guys? wut up 2day?!


its carla here, i just want an advice from you guys on this following thing:::::


well, there's this guys, he talk to me and all ****! i like him since lastyear and i asked him out already! he invented a stupid story sayin he was already going out... whatever, some ppl say he liked me though..... he was an a**h*** to me and so... i got tired of it! i didnt even look at his face any more, so then, he started to talk to me and stuff, beeing kinda annoying though.... i got mad, and i was likin another guy! so, i told him that!


now i like him again, he's hella cool w/ me, and so are his friends! he always talk to me when he cs me, but i dont go to the same high school as he. oh yeah.... he says hes going out w/ this girl and yeah.... its hella sad to no there from someone u like so much!


i think it is kinda obvious i like him cuz 2day i saw him and hes friends was all like... "she like u" to him.... he asked me if that was right and i say no, i said i liked his friend, but i was hella playin and of course u could tell.... i dont know.... i dont know if he goes out w/ this girl cuz i never c him w/ her (he goes by himself to the moviez, they go to differents schools, ect, once i saw her in a restaurants and he was in the moviez alone!) well, its hard cuz sometimes i think he likes me, but what messes all up is the story about "his girlfriend".......................... guys, i dont care about her, shes totally FLAT! she does got ass, or boobs or wuteva! u knoww...... i more about me.... :p come on, i dont want to seem like a fool or u know.... i just want help, im in love with him a long time ago and i need advices to know what to do!!!! i dont care about the supposely gf, i just wanna make him want me, got it?!?!?



PLZ guys, help me w/ this one!

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Well I think it is quite clear that you don't love him but if you want to go out with him just tell get his number give him a call and say "wanna go see a movie?" or "wanna go to so and so's party" or "hey wanna go for a walk?" or something a long those lines :D


ask him to do something and maybe you guys will hit it off

best of luck

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