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So it's been awhile!

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I would like to take many of the things that are currently in my house, but they just will not fit within my new living space, so the STBXW will buy them off me, and my little pug puppy with have a nice house to live in.


Same with the bed, dressers and tables. I just do not have the space to fit it all, although once my Aunt has a look at it, maybe she will have a different view. It's just hard to take a table that she's told me what she and the OM did on it. Things she'd never do with me. So the emotional attachment to said table is very low =p.


You may be surprised at what you can fit into your new place. And if your current things don't fit, you can buy new pieces with the money you get from your stbx.


There are many new modern styles to maximize space - for example for my kitchen table I went with a rectangular bar-style table that fits into my little dining nook - it has storage underneath and has a piece that folds out for more tabletop space. Perfect dining space for 2 without taking up much space, or at least less space than a round table.


You can still take your sweaters - I doubt she wore them while with the boyfriend :p

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I just want to see him lose what I've lost, or more so, what was stolen from



Call it petty, because it probably is, but it would be nice to see

his life crumble.


very understandable. sounds like his wife buried her head in the sand and is rugsweeping his atroscious behavior.


it usually goes worse for the OW in such cases. your ex-wife will probably never live this down. this will follow her for the rest of her life, while he gets a free pass.



I suggest you buy new stuff anyway. you're starting a new life, so might as well get new things to fill it. you don't need reminders of such a cruel past.

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His wife most definetly buried her head in the sand when it came to his continued infidelity, over a 2.5yr period. I mean, she cracked down on him, but she's still with him. Still has the family.


He was nice enough to send me a picture the other day, of his wife drapped in his arms with his kids around him. Thinking it would get a rise out of me, I promptly reminded him that his infidelity and brashness lost his son a position within the Fire Department.


He hasn't contacted me since, and I think he wanted me to believe the illusion of a happy family that he sent me. When in reality, his family structure is crumbling and a general crappy place to be in right now.


I did manage to go out and buy all my own stuff, although I've been living off Kraft Dinner and Instant Noodles for the past week.


My place is starting to look nice, with all my comics professionally framed and hung on the walls. It was something my STBXW would never let me do, because it looked 'childish'. Although it's odd that I have comics worth 2-3 times more than those fancy Louis Vuitton purses she totes around.


It's also a sad apartment though, I've gone from a King bed to a single and it's depressing.


I've managed to go on one 'date (if you will)', but we'll see how that goes. Just trying to keep myself focussed and motivated it a brutal thing to do.


Typical blah day today :(

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