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Sister cheated and bf is starting to resent her

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Well he did took her back on the first week of December but she tells me that on some occasions he is silent and doesn't talk to her too much. They have gone to counseling but not even that is working. From what I heard and quitted and just told her to go alone because she cause it.


I think anger is beginning to take place because way back when this year was about to start, the guy seem forgiving and depressed.


If you don't recall, this is the update to: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/romantic/dating/cheating-flirting-jealousy/358080-can-cheating-worked-out-if-caught-act


As much as it hurts me, I did suggested him to break up if he can't handle it in the end. For some reason, he won't but why stay if he is resenting her?


Or is this the anger stage and will it get better for them as more time passes by?

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