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What is better?

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Is it better to tell the dumper you cannot have anymore contact if ever again, or just avoid any contact they try to make with you? I did the first option out of respect because after 5 years I felt as though she deserved to know I would not contact her. This was followed by her saying I love you (as a friend I know and told her ha). I was placed in friendzone a month ago btw.

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Is it better to tell the dumper you cannot have anymore contact if ever again, or just avoid any contact they try to make with you? I did the first option out of respect because after 5 years I felt as though she deserved to know I would not contact her. This was followed by her saying I love you (as a friend I know and told her ha). I was placed in friendzone a month ago btw.


Don't initiate any contact. Of what use is it even to inform. In such situations. I would'nt encourage any courtesy or politeness. Outright denial 404 - This HTTPS Page unavailable

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