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Lost my job and now my girlfriend.

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I posted my story two days ago, and I am back for support as I am in very bad shape.


My Company closed down on January 18 and I lost my job. I have been doing all I can to find a new one, but no luck so far. On top of this, my girlfriend, who I loved with all my heart, broke up with me because "even though she loves me , she doesn't think we are right for each other" Give me a break!


She is in my apartment right now, and her Dad has flown out to visit her and help her find a new place. Meanwhile, I am sitting up at my brothers in the middle of the mountains, jobless, broke and I just lost the girl I loved more than anything. I never even loved my ex wife like I do this girl.


She's got the strength of family, friends, and a job to focus her time on and I have none of that. I remember my divorce was hard, but I don't remember this pain. My heart is broken and I can't breathe. I can't eat or listen to music or watch tv. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up.


On another note, I now have major financial issues to deal with until I find work, and I have no idea what to do. Do I re-lease my apartment and pay for it with unemployment $$$ until I find work? Hopefully soon! Or do I live with my brother in the middle of nowhere trapped with nothing to do but to ponder over the loss and the pain? Yes I can live rent free and save $$, but I feel I should go back home when she leaves so I can maintain a sense of normalcy and dignity while I continue to look for work. At least I will have my own space, with what is left of my stuff that she doesn't take.


I hope she finds what she is looking for, and I hope it leads her right back to me.


I know I am foolish to think that and I have lost her forever

Any words to help will be much appreciated. I feel so hopeless and sorry if I was rambling.

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i think go back home, but first try and relax .I'm in a pretty similar position. Try and be sensible about your finances, if you're struggling like me maybe look for something cheaper for the short term till you get back on your feet. As for her well like my ex-they have to live their lives too and if they don't want or love us enough then i suppose we have to try and accept that. I can't even begin to contemplate another and the whole "move on" thing just sounds like crap to me right here and now. But the likely hood is thats where and what we'll probably both end up doing. If you find you are really not coping try and talk to someone professional. i am and its helping.

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AloneInParadise - I can somewhat relate to your situation. However, I am hanging onto my dead-end job by a thread. But my ex has a huge support network of friends and family, and I've got nadda. She was my source of support :(



I will say, this forum has helped a lot, just be careful, because sometimes I leave feeling worse than when I came in, but not often :)




Hang in there and come to the forum as often as you need. Read and respond to others. It does help…

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Hi AloneinParadise,


I am going through what you were a couple months ago and it totally sucks. I lost my job and my fiance who i would of done anything for just left me a week ago. I was living in FL, this was the 2nd time she did that to me first time while we were engaged. I'll tell you since I didn't have a job I packed my stuff in my car and just left. I can't stand the bitch for putting me through that pain. I was a good guy who took so much abuse from her family, more than anyone should ever have to take, but I loved and she loved me. hell she was trying on wedding dresses the day before and we made love that morning.


My advice get away, get a fresh start, the bitch aint worth it and watch in a couple of months she'll realize what she has done.


I know the pain, you are just thinking about her over and over and imagining yourself having sex with her and its not going to end for a while, but stay away because it will hurt even more if you call her and she doesn't picks up or if she answers and blows you off again. It sucks I am 33 and have to start dating all over again.


Be well my friend

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Chi townD

Hey Alone. Sorry to hear about your situation. You're probably at your rock bottom, but (even though you don't feel this way) this might be a good thing! You can't go any lower than this, so there's only one other direction to go and that's up!


You need to take everything one thing at a time. You're full time job should be to find a job. Look in the paper, look on the net, go to job fair's and go to employment agencies. 8 hours a day 5 days a week until you land a job. And sometimes you have to take A job before you land THE job. Meaning, take what you can get, but be on the lookout for the better deal.


And while you're currently unemployed, go back to school! Get that college degree! And if you already have one, go get your masters! Now would be the perfect time to apply. You're probably saying, "How the hell am I supposed to go to school if I don't have a job? How am I going to pay for it?" Because, you currently don't have income and are collecting unemployment (government aid) You'll qualify for a bunch of grants. Money you DON'T have to pay back! Strike while the iron is hot! So, even though you think your life is hell, there are opportunities that just opened up for you.


Time to start looking out for yourself and start digging out of the hole!

Edited by Chi townD
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Hey Alone. Sorry to hear about your situation. You're probably at your rock bottom, but (even though you don't feel this way) this might be a good thing! You can't go any lower than this, so there's only one other direction to go and that's up!


You need to take everything one thing at a time. You're full time job should be to find a job. Look in the paper, look on the net, go to job fair's and go to employment agencies. 8 hours a day 5 days a week until you land a job. And sometimes you have to take A job before you land THE job. Meaning, take what you can get, but be on the lookout for the better deal.


And while you're currently unemployed, go back to school! Get that college degree! And if you already have one, go get your masters! Now would be the perfect time to apply. You're probably saying, "How the hell am I supposed to go to school if I don't have a job? How am I going to pay for it?" Because, you currently don't have income and are collecting unemployment (government aid) You'll qualify for a bunch of grants. Money you DON'T have to pay back! Strike while the iron is hot! So, even though you think your life is hell, there are opportunities that just opened up for you.


Time to start looking out for yourself and start digging out of the hole!


Actually this guy is amazing. He posted some other threads where his gf came absolutely crawling back, like the stuff of fantasies, and he totally rationally turned her down. At least the last couple threads I read. He's one for the LS legends.

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Hey Alone. Sorry to hear about your situation. You're probably at your rock bottom, but (even though you don't feel this way) this might be a good thing! You can't go any lower than this, so there's only one other direction to go and that's up!


You need to take everything one thing at a time. You're full time job should be to find a job. Look in the paper, look on the net, go to job fair's and go to employment agencies. 8 hours a day 5 days a week until you land a job. And sometimes you have to take A job before you land THE job. Meaning, take what you can get, but be on the lookout for the better deal.


And while you're currently unemployed, go back to school! Get that college degree! And if you already have one, go get your masters! Now would be the perfect time to apply. You're probably saying, "How the hell am I supposed to go to school if I don't have a job? How am I going to pay for it?" Because, you currently don't have income and are collecting unemployment (government aid) You'll qualify for a bunch of grants. Money you DON'T have to pay back! Strike while the iron is hot! So, even though you think your life is hell, there are opportunities that just opened up for you.


Time to start looking out for yourself and start digging out of the hole!


Hey Alone, I think this is the way to go. Working and going to school keep you busy and your mind off things that you shouldn't be thinking about.

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