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Networking with men... how to not come off suggestive?

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Here's the dilemma I'm having... Now that I'm finally in the industry I want to be in, I want to network, grow my connections, etc. After being laid off in 2011 I realized just how important it was to know people.


Anyways, I met the president of a small company through a friend. We all went to an event together a few weeks ago, where I met a lot of other professionals as well. I wanted to maintain my connection with the president of this company though, as he seems like a really nice guy, very well connected, smart, etc. I ran into him earlier and invited him out to lunch. Since I'm in the process of starting a business, and he has a lot of experience doing it, I figured he'd be a great contact and idea person; perhaps even a mentor.


Until now I thought this was all fine and dandy. I tell this story to a friend and she freaks out on me, telling me that he probably thinks I'm interested in him, that he's going to try to get me to bed, and all this other stuff. Now I'm worried. We're supposed to meet up for lunch this week and now I'm terrified of going. I don't want anything romantically with this guy (he's my parents' age!), I just want to maintain my connections.


Did I act inappropriately by asking this guy out to lunch? What steps can I take to insure that he really doesn't read into the situation as anything more than two business professionals doing just that - discussing business.

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If you want to work with guys then you're going to have to deal with the fact that some will be attracted to you, for one reason or another.

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Did I act inappropriately by asking this guy out to lunch?




What steps can I take to insure that he really doesn't read into the situation as anything more than two business professionals doing just that - discussing business.


Act and dress like a business professional discussing business. Don't flirt, flip your hair, giggle, etc. Just be professional.


Your friend is totally overreacting.

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