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Withdrawal! It hurts. Can't stop!


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Apologize for NOTHING!!!


Silence sends a MUCH stronger message, and gives you time to lick YOUR wounds.


Don't you know we've all been through-have gone through this? Yep.


The reason she's "playing" you is because it's convenient for HER, whatever her current "situation" may be.


To hell with her pal! Silence is the way to go = NO CONTACT!!! ZERO!!

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Something I haven't mentioned:

A couple of weeks ago, now, the night before I first broke up with her. I spoke to someone on facebook, just ranting about the situation and my feelings and how mad and confused I was.

A day or so before she broke up with me a week later she told me she had had a dream that I was talking to other girls on facebook, so logged into my account to check. I never gave her my password, she must of seen my type it in. Also, if I was worried about something like that I would ask her (I even did the day after we broke up.)

She says what she read that I had said to this other person (who is a stranger offering help to people, similar to what this place is doing,) broke her heart and she was glad she had something to hate me for but she still couldn't hate me. Then she said she forgave me for it but couldn't put it behind her.

The thing is she went onto my account without asking or confronting me about the subject. Then last night I was scrolling through my account and saw that my 'relationship status' had been changed to married.. I'm almost entirely certain I didn't do that. And yes I had changed my password. This is a vent because it makes me so mad. She tried to make me out to the bad guy for what I said but she shouldn't of been reading it and what I said was perfectly reasonable!

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Something I haven't mentioned:


Blah blah blah blah blah....


This is a vent because it makes me so mad. She tried to make me out to the bad guy for what I said but she shouldn't of been reading it and what I said was perfectly reasonable!


It's a vent - but where does it get you?

Where does it take you?



See.. the whole point of venting is to ensure it's constructive.


This isn't constructive.

You're snowballing.


She's your ex.


It no longer counts, it no longer matters.

What counts and matters - is what YOU do.

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What do you mean, where does it get me?


My idea of a vent is to get off my chest. Now I've spewed it out over the keyboard it's no longer in my mind ticking over.


For example I am now going to spiel: From what I somehow managed to see pop up on my facebook, I think she got drunk late last night, although she may have said it to someone joking around like she does but the way she text I could imagine she may have been. Which I find annoying because we both had the same attitude to drink, neither of us liked it or people getting drunk.

But, hey ho, like you said, she's just an ex :)

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She called at 1pm. She caught me at a weak moment and I answered. She was annoyed that I deleted her off facebook and we argued for a bit but then we just ended up going at circles annoyed her for this annoyed at me for that because I was annoyed at her for this.

Eventually, her constantly telling me I was acting like a 'd*ickhead' stopped bothering so much and I told her we are just going off what each other says now and neither of us is now the cause.

It took about an hour but we eventually got to terms where we could talk and not argue (neither of us wanted to anymore.) She said she wasn't going to contact me unless I contacted her or it was really important (which is unlikely) because she knows I am finding this a lot harder than she is (cow.)

After the phone call I just cried. That's the end, I no longer have anything to cling on to and the memories really bloody hurt. But I'm sure that will pass in time.


So now I have my space, I guess NC and moving on is all down to me :)

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I'm not surprised she caught you at a weak moment.


Nevertheless, same story everyday.


NC today. Weak moment tomorrow. NC again. She called me I got weak. Nc again. This is it. But she texted I answered. NC for real....


Make a promise to yourself. Set a goal. Three days NC. Stick to it. Let's see how you do.

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I WILL DO IT THIS TIME!! I now feel like it is all finalized! She isn't texting me anymore, I deleted her number ages ago.

Now I am ready, now I can do it!!


..have some faith please :)

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I will!!


(trust me, even my mum would be annoyed at me lol)


I shall write about it in my nc diary linked a few posts back. Please feel free to comment on it, even if it's just a well done! :D

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I will!!


(trust me, even my mum would be annoyed at me lol)


I shall write about it in my nc diary linked a few posts back. Please feel free to comment on it, even if it's just a well done! :D


I'm going to follow your progress but will be standing right behind you with my 2x4 ;)

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I'm going to follow your progress but will be standing right behind you with my 2x4....



....Right next to TaraMaiden......



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I WILL DO IT THIS TIME!! I now feel like it is all finalized! She isn't texting me anymore, I deleted her number ages ago.

Now I am ready, now I can do it!!


..have some faith please :)




You know what we continually say on this forum, don't you....?


"Actions speak Louder than Words."


We haven't believed you up to now, because your actions haven't matched your words....


Make it so.

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